♔ Application For Crystal ♔


♔ Application For Crystal ♔

♔ Info About You ♔

♔ AFF Username : zelo_youngminnie

♔ AFF Profile Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/123897

♔Country : U.S.


♔ Character's Info ♔

♔Name: Im Yong Ji

♔Age :16

♔Ethnicity (at least half-korean): Half Korean/Half Vietnamese 

♔Nickname: Yonggie

♔D.O.B (youngest should born on 1996): December 31,1996

♔Blood Type:AB

♔Height/Weight: 178cm/48kg

♔Language :korean(fluent), vietnamese(fluent), english(fluent), japanese(basic), chinese(basic)

♔Hometown: Los Angeles, California

♔Education : School of Performing Arts Seoul

♔Personality: She might look nice and bubbly to strangers, but to her family and friends, she is cold and mysterious. She doesn’t like to talk about her past because it’s too painful. Even though she is cold and mysterious, there are also times when she is like a normal girl who likes to talk to her friends. She has a family that loves her for who she is.

Since she  was adopted by a rich man who was a friend of her parents, she likes to shop and go to dance/singing practice to take her mind off of painful memories. She likes to act tough so that people won’t ask her about her past. She hates cleaning but likes things to be clean. She LOVES to sleep and hates whoever tries to wake her up early in the morning.

♔School Behavior: She looks and acts like a perfect student but on the inside she is rebellious. She tries her best to study because of a promise she made to her parents when they died. 

♔Birth Place: Seoul, Korea


♔Habits biting her nails when she is nervous/bored

♔Likes : Ice cream, animals, movies, sleeping, nice people, music, the cold, using her laptop, and rings.

♔Dislikes : roller coaster, the heat, scary things, failing, smokers, drunks, cleaning, and blood.

♔Talents : playing guitar, playing piano, and gymnastics

♔Hobbies : shopping, dancing, reading, singing, rapping, and listening to music.

♔Phobia/Allergic : small spaces , scary stuff, and rollercoasters 

♔Training Years: 3 years

♔Where Did They discover you: she is the adopted daughter of lee soo man so they asked her to join since she is talented.

♔Favorite Color: baby blue

♔Favorite Food : dukbokki, pizza, and pasta 


♔FanClub ♔

♔FanClub Name: kings and queens

♔FanClub Color: yellow

♔Fanclub Symbol: a crown

♔FanClub Merchandise: a yellow crown lightstick


♔Appearance ♔

♔Appearance : Jung roo





♔Back Up Ulzzang: Min Hyo Seon




♔Fashion Style : she likes to have a natural look but sometimes she likes to be daring. She likes to wear jeans and shorts. She also likes to have accessories. She likes to wear comfortable clothes.




♔ Her Background ♔

♔ Family Background: Her parents died in a car crash when she was ten. Her and her sister went to live with lee soo man, a friend of their parents

♔Parents Im An Chung/ 45/deceased/fun and caring. He loves to joke around.

Park Soo Young/44/deceased/ Strict but she loves and takes care of her family.

Lee Soo Man/ 50/ ceo of sm/ adopted father but acts like hẻ real father.

♔Sibling (1+ idols Ulzzang or OCs): Im Yoon Ah/22/artist/ takes care of her and tries her best to be a good sister.


♔Childhood Days: Her family would always go on an outing on the weekend. But on one tragic day, a drunk man crashed into her car. She and her sister survived with a couple of cuts but her parents weren’t so lucky. Ever since she has been cold to everyone that was close to her.


♔Friends ♔

♔ Best Friend : Luhan/18/trainee about to debut/ he is nice, caring, and not nosey.

Kai/ 18/ trainee about to debut/ he is brotherly and someone she looks up to.

♔How Did You Met?:- he was the first one to talk to her when she started training

-They would always have dance practice together so they became really close

♔Friends : Youngmin/17/artist/bubbly and fun to talk to

Kwangmin/17/artist/he is just like her: mysterious and cold

Minwoo/17/artist/hyper and always make her smile

♔ How Did You Met?: they all go to the same school and they have the same class.

♔Favorite Hang-out : Smtown building, the tree in front of the school, and the restraunt close to the company



♔Boyfriend: Zelo (B.A.P.)

♔Personality : he makes her laugh and feel protected. He always has a big smile on his face and he was the first person that she felt really comfortable around. He loves to dance and rap.

♔How did you met?: Ever since Zelo debuted, she has been his fan. So one day, when she was visiting her sister at a music program, she bumped into him and fell. He helped her and cleaned her wound. He asked her on a date to apologize for the accident and she said yes.

♔Scene Request? (1+): when they go to the same variety show and they are asked to reveal their ideal type/ person. 


♔During Training ♔

♔Training Years: 3 years

♔How Did You Get in?(Audition/monophonic/scouted/etc.):she is the adopted daughter of lee soo man, so they asked her join since she is really talented

♔Previous Company/How many Years?: none 

♔Training Life: Of course training was hard and tiring, but she had a lot of fun. She loves training since dancing, singing, and rapping made her happy. She likes fooling around with her two best friends but she had to work really hard to meet people’s expectation of her because she was the little sister of Yoona and the adopted daughter of Lee Soo Man.


♔ Debut  ♔

♔Stage Name: Tammy

♔ Position (choose from the list I provided below): -Main vocalist/ main dancer

♔Persona (make it interesting!): Sleeping beauty

♔Singing Link (1+): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUl_hioWOfk

♔Dance Links (1+):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATAPNsB9d9A&feature=channel



♔Rival: None

♔ Password: snsd gee

2ne1 im the best


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