16 hours of work - uber tired.

So, I went on a trip with my media class to participate in a national video/journalism/whatever competition called the Student Television Network.

Google it if you wish.

For the past days, we've been having fun! :D Six Flags, shopping, touring stadiums and arenas, sightseeing...

We're in Dallas, Texas.

Today was our first day of real work.

This particular contest was called the Sweet 16. We have 16 hours to create an entire broadcast. If you need an idea of what a broadcast is, think of an episode of the news, minus the sports, weather, and blabbity blah. Basically the news stories.

Here's a rough schedule that me and my partner followed.

4:00 AM Wake up, get ready to leave.

5:20 AM Grab all equipment, finalize everything, run downstairs to meet teachers.

5:30 AM Leave for the Hyatt Regency, Dallas, TX

6:00 AM Eat breakfast, settle down.

6:30 AM We receive a list of words. Our school as a team has to choose one word that we will all base our video off of. We chose "big". We have 9 students on our team, so we had 3 pairs and a team of 3. I was one of the pairs. Each of these sub-teams gets an idea that ties with "big" that we have to do our story on. My partner and I had to do ours on food. In the end, we basically have to have 4 stories.

7:00 AM Pre-production. Thinking of questions, where to go, who we should interview, what kind of shots we need to get, finalize equipment.

8:30 AM Leave for Burleson, TX. GET SOME SLEEP IN THE CAR! :D

9:30 AM Arrive in Burleson and drop off the other pair that was in the car (that included my yeobo PikaChew) only to learn that they were to be rejected by their subject. Go to the restaurant where me and my partner are to do our story, but they won't let us in before opening hours, so we have to wait until 11. Drive around moar to find subjects for the other group.

11:00 AM Eat lunch at the restaurant.


4:30 PM Get picked up from the restaurant and head back towards the convention hotel. Start writing the script in the car.

6:00 PM Finish the script.

7:00 PM Film voiceovers.

7:20 PM Start editing. Eat McDonalds and pizza.

9:00 PM Turn in first draft to teachers, then while they put it together, go back to the video and FIX MISTAKES.

10:40 PM Finalize our entry and turn it in, after an epic slow clap with the high school with a side of screams and cheers.

11:00 PM Leave. While waiting for the van outside, I witnessed a high schooler's dollar fall out of his pocket. I stared at the dollar for an entire minute. 


"Eotteoke... pick it up, get a free dollar? Or be a good person and return it?"

I tried to convince the two 7th graders to do it but they refused. So I picked it up, walked over the the high schooler (who was hanging out with his lady friends derp derp). He was ugly. TT________TT If he was attractive, THIS'D SOOOOOO BE ONESHOT MATERIAL.

"Excuse me... excuse me... EXCUSE ME!?!?!"

Then he turns around and backs up a teeny bit. Now, I'm wondering if he's afraid of the short Filipino girl that just called on him, so I hold up his dollar. "You dropped your dollar."

Then he grabs it from me, and admirably says,

"Dude.... you're awesome."





Music video competition tomorrow.

Wish me luck.


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Gooooooooooood luck ^0^
GOOD LUUUUUUUUCKKKK. Get lots Of rest! Everyone on AFF is supporting you!!

LOLOLOLOL. how ugly was he?? I wouldn't know what to do either... but I'd probably give the dollar back. YOUR SCHOOL ACTUALLY LETS YOU GO.... SOMEWHERE? Let alone ANOTHER STATE? We'd never get to do that. Especially not for more than one day. I mean, the band people have gone to SC or AL before... for not for long. and they didn't DO fun things. Lucky!! You go to Texas, Lucy goes to Quebec... I GET NOTHING.... except a boyfriend o.O