All Y'all Need To Know About ThatGirlOverThere! ~Stolen from BubblyMe~

Feel free to copy this to your Blogs, I wanna know more about you ^^ 1. Do you like your name? Yes, I dooooo! It's unique and out spelled a different way: Jazmine. ^^ 2. What age would you like to be right now? 14... the exact age that I currently am.... I'm afraid of growing up! -_- 3. Do have pets? A goldfish named Mick Jagger ^^ 4. How many friends do you have? Loads and loads... but after a while it's hard to find the ones that you can really trust.... 5. What's your favourite colour? It changes pretty much daily. Today it's anything glittery, but ask me tomorrow and you'll get a completely different answer. 6. Do you like to go shopping? I AM A CERTIFIED SHOPOHOLIC. REBECCA BLOOMWOOD (main character in the movie, "Confessions of a Shopoholic", for those of you who don't know who she is) AIN'T GOT ON ME. ^_^ 7. Are you into sports? I play them, but I don't follow teams. 8. What's your favourite hobby? Sleeping, Reading, Fighting, Texting, Shopping, etc. 9. Do you love to read? Yes, anything worth reading. I am EXTREMELY picky about what I read. 10. What do you do when you're mad? Scream and swear and cry and yeah.... 11. What word do you catch yourself saying a lot? Any swear... *-* 12. McDonalds or Burger King? WENDY'S FTW!!!!! :P 13. Coke or Pepsi? Coke. Pepsi is too... bleh, sweet as crap. 14. Summer or Winter? Summer, baby! :) 15. Are you nice to everyone? Oh, hell no. If any es wanna play dirty, I CAN PLAY DIRTY. ;) 16. Do you like swimming? HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!! 17. Do you do your hair often? Ya, I wash it, blow dry it, spray it with perfume so it smells nice.... Oh yeah, and I dye it. Black with a red tint. 18. What city would you like to visit? Seoul. It's my DREAM to go to South Korea. 19. What kind of ice cream do you like most? Coffee. I'm a caffiene ADDICT. 20. Hot Cheetos or Doritos? No thanks, I'd rather not have fluorescent orange cheese crap stuck to my fingers for the rest of the day. :P 21. Do you like school? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. 22. Are you in a school? Unfortunately. 23. Do you play video games? Used to, but can't find the time anymore. 24. What do you do for fun? Hang out with my friends in large public places and just create mischief in general. ^^ 25. Do you talk a lot on the phone? Depends on who it's with. 26. Are you more shy or talkative? WAY. TOO. TALKATIVE. 27. Do you like going outdoors? If there aren't bugs... then yeah, I do. 28. Do you like rainy days? If I'm sitting inside bundled in a warm blanket, drinking Almond Biscotti tea and listening to sad love songs, then yes. 29. Do you have a favourite restaurant? It changes whenever I go to a new one. ^^ 30. Are you awesome? Now, you tell me. ;)


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babygirladdy #1
<3 awesomeness
Lol love it :) Or technically love you xD I keep forgetting you're 14 :\
very nice xDD