Sorry Guys -___-

Okay!!! (looking at the title, you can pretty much tell what kind of news I'm telling you)

So, AFFers who requested some oneshots (still taking in requests if you had any BTW), who read One Kiss, or who read What Am I Fighting For?, I'm sowwy



For the next few weeks (or more specifically April 28) I don't think I can update much or none at all.

For those who care and don't care, I'm not just saying this with the reason being "I have a life you know!!!" because i don't >__<

I have like soooooooooooo many things to do rite now. I have a Spanish quiz, math quiz, and end-of-book test (we read the book like a month ago) on Friday. Then next week I have a math competition, then two weeks after a Scrabble competition, then the following weekend is test week (if I don't pass, I won't be able to go to the next grade), then that weekend a Spanish test.

DO NOT GET ME WRONG, I will (90%) update SOMETHING during that month or so.... (i find time to do things when i really don't have time).

So don't worry.

Just want to inform you.


OH, and the One Kiss series i usually update on Fridays (my time), I'm probably gonna update like anywhere Saturday or early Sunday.

I have a major writer's block rite now.

I mean seriously, wtf.

The doctor just says to Jessica, 'oh Ms. Kim has blah blah blah injuries.'

I mean that's so lame but THAT'S THE DOCTOR'S JOB!!!!

And haha, my mini-plan for OK kinda ended at ch. 8. So I have to figure out more of the plan as it goes along.


LOL, for being such a bad author and tell you guys I won't update, should I give you a forward of this series I was gonna do? It's really cool. My umma and an unnie or so know about it ^^


Should I now 'serenade' you with things that occur in my life? I think yes ^^

1. My teacher asked what my hobbies were. And I was like, "I like to write....uh....stories and stuff."

2. One dream I got hit by a hurt.

3. In first grade (i was like 6), this girl threatened to go home, bring a knife, and stab me. O____O then i was sad because she got one of those stress ball things I didn't get anything

4. Everytime a guy comes to my house, I get the talk

5. I insinuated something to my dad, it implied that he was a bit chubby. He laughed and told me to make him coffee.

6. I wanted to open those glass Coke bottle things without waking up my dad, so I opened it in the dark in the bathroom

7. OMG i just told my friend that I wrote ....LOL she was busy reading on AFF. Cool friend rite? >___< Nah, she's the bestest ever!!!

8. I found this a cool TaeNy pic :3

9. Had a dream of a giant sock monkey was in my garage and my bro and I were fighting it off. Then the monkey possessed my bro and I stabbed him. I was traumatized for a few days O____O

Anyway, that's all.

Comment and show your hate for me (not using vile words please), sadness, and whatever you think. :P



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Haha, right madz67. Weird dreams O___O
@kesujo: i kno rite?!?!?! I got like 5 freaking times since the year started. The last one was last Saturday about STDs. Hate those talks with a passion T_T
@IiMeltingSnow: Do come over! They turn into the nicest people ever when someone comes inside the house :3 Finish it! Finish it! :D
@GayForSooYoung: thanks unnie -____-

LOL I only found the stupid pic on my iPod and I don't remember where I found it!!! >___<
Will try to find it again
weird girl :P
lol, I shouldn't come over after all then :P Although, the idea of food, DID intrigue me.
Oh, I wanna see the TaeNy pic! And uhh.... All the best for you exam~!!! Sad, I was about to give you your one-shot present, although it might be a two-shot, but I'm lazy sometime so idk.. Perhaps you won't be online much anymore? :/
kesujo #6
LOL, you get that talk at 14?
My parents haven't even given the talk to me, or my sister (as far as I know ... she's 16)

And what might this cool Taeny pic be?
I'm probably being dumb and not seeing something obvious, but still ...