Almost Died of Happiness

I'm the kind of person who doesn't get surprised often but just this afternoon I received something that legitly made me cry.




Just a few hours before this I had a conversation with another friend/reader/subscriber and she said RIF helped her finalize her decision relating to her course. Another one, mylizalife, once told me that the story made her learn a lot about love and it also helped her with school in some way. These three have long become my friends ever since meeting through RIF. 

I'm not trying to brag here, I'm just saying that it's amazing that something like a fanfic can bring people together this way and can actually affect lives. It's even more amazing on my end because it makes me feel so fulfilled. Not only did I enjoy writing that story but I apparently touched someone else's life and made a postive impact. It's just amazing...just amazing. Now let me go back to my little corner and cry some more happy tears. 


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mylizalife #1
You! yes, you! the dearest author of RIF, let me hug youuuuu... :')
RIF was beautifully written really. . i agree with her that you should turn it to a book or something. .happy and proud of you. .:)

I'm so proud of you unnie. And very happy as well. /goestothelittlecornertogiveunnieatissue
I absolutely LOVED RIF. Seriously. Make it a book. I'll buy 6 copies of it.
I loved reading every single word of RIF so I understand how people feel touched by it.
well RIF IS really that good and I get courage to keep writing from that fic myself so yeah. BTW I agree you really should give it out as a book I'd def by it :o)