A cheezy letter to SNSD(from me!)


Dear SNSD,

I became a SONE at a time when you girls had barely any international fans. When I read your news on websites, there were always comments like "s","es”,"Pigs" and "plastics". I was a SONE too when people yelled "Wonder Girls!" on your stage in Dream Concert. I was only 16 at that time and I cried a lot.

That night was probably the only night that I ever cried for a singer (the second was when DBSK broke up) I had a feeling that you guys will finally give up. That you 9 girls will go your own separate paths. To my surprise, you didn't give up. Instead, the very next year, you girls came back stronger than ever with your hit song "Gee". That year, I began to get into groups other than SNSD, SUJU and DBSK. I joined a lot of forms and to my delight, There were always SONES. 2010 came,2011 came and now it's 2012, It's surprising that the very same girls who were once hated  now have one of the biggest fandom’s in K-pop, in Korea, Japan and internationally too.

4 years ago, I thought it was impossible for you  to make it in Korea. You proved me wrong and made it around Asia.

From 2007 to 2012. I watched with my own eyes the transformation of SNSD. From a hated unpopular girl group to the Nation's Number 1 Girl Group. And that itself is a miracle.

Like any teenager, there were times when I wished I was dead, times when the pressure was too much, times when I hated my own family, times when I fought my best friends and times when 4 boys broke my heart. When these times came, I would listen to your songs (especially Hahaha, Himnae and Girls' Generation); During these times, "Don't tease me because I'm young" became my motto.

Since I looked up to you girls so much, I thought I should become a singer too. I wanted to be like you. But through you, I learned that I just have to follow my own way. Be myself. Eventually, I realized that saving people's lives is as important as inspiring people. 

You girls inspire people and I want to save people so that they can have the chance to be inspired by someone else.(the way you inspired me)

Instead of becoming a selfish teenager (complementing myself, Hahaha) I turned to the world to educate myself. At such a young age, I learned about Iraq, Palestine, Africa, Rwanda and North Korea. I became interested in things that other teenagers didn't like: Politics, religon, wars and diseases. You see, my life doesn't revolve around you girls but it's easier to go on because of you. Because of your music. Because of your success. There's nothing like listening to Himnae when I'm tired, Run Devil Run when I'm mad and Genie when I need help. 

It might sound stupid but I had a song for every emotion that I experienced. (For example, I listen to "Dear Mom" a lot nowadays since I miss my mom)

My 9 amazing girls,

I know you girls were hated

I know you girls are still hated

I know you girls will always be hated

But to me, you will forever be my no1. As long as you guys stay nine until the end, I will still believe in you and be your SONE.


Kim Taeyeon

Jung Jessica

Lee Sunkyu

Hwang Tiffany

Kim Hyoyeon

Kwon Yuri

Choi Sooyoung

Im Yoona

Seo Juhyun

I know it's hard to debut in the US. I know a lot of people tell you things like, “You won't make it", "You're not America's style" or whatsoever. But remember, there was a time when the only thing that you had was each other.

Follow your dreams. Ignore those who don't believe in you. And try the US. It's worth it. You might not make it but at least you won't regret not trying.

SNSD, the living proof that with hard work and determination, you can make it.

My 9 angels.

I admire you a lot.



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this is so inspring you are a true SONE and
I'm not actually a SONE, but this made me cry, really. Mostly because I can understand how you feel. I'm a Cassie, and I was soo hurt when DBSK broke up...i have been their fan 3 years before they split ...and though it's a lot..to me it might have been still too little. I cried so much, like never in my life before, really. And it still hurts now. I really wish SNSD the best... FIGHTING and never, ever give up.

PS. And I laughed soo much when I read Nehal at the end of the letter since that means "I stopped" in slovenian :) That's really interesting name :D
I nearly cry when I read this. Though I only became a SONE when I'm 11 (now I'm 12) And yea, your right,I don't know why some hate SNSD. They're amazing, inspiring, and a lot more. But with just a simple mistake or whatsoever, they'll be on the headline right away!


I love SNSD forever.
Agree, but last year I was still 15...
SNSD! You made it!
oetori #5
I got teary reading this ;~; (tl;dr ahead ><)

I was only a casual fan when they debuted, but I felt sorry for them for being hated by so many people even when they haven't even debuted yet... I felt sorry for them because most people simply bashing them for silly reasons, ignoring their talent as performers.

The Dream Concert 08 incident was what made me decide to support them as a fan. The received such undeserved, unreasonable hate that I can only wished that Korea will someday appreciate them as a solid girl group instead of the "untalented plastic s" that seemed to be interchangeable with the name So Nyuh Shi Dae back then. That was my only wish, for them to be appreciated as a solid group, not necessarily best but simply a solid, hardworking girl group.

When their comeback in 2008 was delayed again and again, I was worried that SM will give up... that the girls will give up, too - just like what the haters wished. But then they finally made a comeback with Gee in early 2009. Surpassing everyone's expectation... and keeps on raising the bar with each comeback since then.

Now, they're arguably the best and most successful girl group in Asia. Words cannot express how proud I am. I never thought that this group I first supported because I pity them for the crazy amount of hate they got (yes, they even got suicide petition!), managed to rise from the most hated into the most loved group in Korea.

SNSD is my truest inspiration, ngl. They make me believe that hardwork, and determination will never betray you - and you just have to dream big enough, and it will come true! I, too, will always have SNSD as #1 in my heart ;~;
Ah, jinjja...

that's so touching...
I'm new sone (1year)
but, I can feel what u feel when I saw negative respons about them...

You make me proud to be sone >.<

9forever ! SONE forever!
relly touching letter ^^ .
If you don't know me i'm not the the type to read blog posts but I'm sure glad that I read yours. somehow our taste in songs is about the same and I just noticed I dont have himnae and hahaha on my phone OMG FIRETRUCK
(T.T) I love ur letter. It's amazing. Sones<3
Snsd <3
-wipes my tears-
Unnie~ you're one of the best sone that i've ever met, and by reading your letter i felt bad about how i used to be a Snsd anti, how i used to hate on them for the dumbest reasons -sobs-
I wish all sones could be just like you, always stay strong and support our girls instead of bashing other groups.
iheart2ne1dara #11
I am soooo gonna reblog this.