YES, no one would really read this or comment on this but I just wanna say.... I'm HAPPY I HAD ANOTHER KARMA. people say: ( this gurl is such a low-life person. she only got one karma but i got tons of it. ) I AINT LOW-LIFE PERSON. BAHAHAHAHAHA. CMON, please help me get more subscribers and I REALLY WANT TO SEE WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF MY FIC. stupid caps... :( I LOVE YA'LL !


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Ninjaaa #1
hahahahahhahah. why do you wanna change your name,anyway? :\ :)) It's OK naman eh! :)) hahahahahhah
@lefa_San, yes! THAT'S GUD THAT U KNOW. :D :)
LOL... I know how you feel.. I feel the same when I joined AFF..LOL<br />
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