Sequel of "Consequences of a Best Friend". Request for poster.

As the title implies, I'm guaranteeing all the readers of a sequel of "Consequences of a Best Friend". Yep, I just felt that it needs to be continued, since my ending for it doesn't satisfy me at all. So yeah. Here I am, requesting a poster for it. If you're interested to make a poster for me, I'll be happy to oblige. I'll PM you all the details of that story. I don't want to post it here since "Consequences" is still in-progress, and that would be a MAJOR spoiler. Haha. I can't spoil you all. Revealing its sequel is spoiler enough. XD

It would be very very very much appreciated! :D

PS: In case you are all wondering, I'm still not finished with Chapter 23 since I'm VEEERY busy and I have the WORST case of writer's block. Plus, my heart is currently with One Direction right now. I LOVE LIAM PAYNE and NIALL HORAN BTW. <3


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