summer break things

so. uh. this semester is over. kind of. there are still things that need to be done, but. uh. i suppose i'm kind of back? but uhm. the fics will stay down until further notice. however, i do have some kind of news. Unglamorous is being rewritten while Catharsis Factor, Polaris (Unplugged), and the still unwritten major projects are being reinvented and re-planned. The rest of the stories are just hopeless so I'm leaving those alone. 


so. the only thing that will be up will be Unglamorous, hopefully completed in time for its anniversary.


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reinvented? replanned? ><"
oh well, i'm sure it'll stillbe great :) i'm going to miss theold unglam though...

i'm glad you're back! <3 i missed you heaps..