Physcopomp the app

Aff Name: deathbyboredom


About Your Face...

Name: Park Se young

Nicknames: Kira

Age: 23

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 56 kg

Face: Jung Roo













Former Face: Unlike the one above, Akira was little bit shorter, with a wheatish complexion and wasn’t so thin either. She had a little thigh and belly fat and had short hair. She usually wore baggy clothes which made her look fatter and also specks. She had a scar on her left eyebrow and a white spot on her collar.


About You...

Personality:Akira is one of those people who likes to know everything but tell nothing. She’d gladly listen to gossips and secrets of others but will not even bother replying if anyone would ask her about her secrets.

Unlike her icey eyes, she’s more of a happy person. But that’s just another act. She doesn’t trust anyone, and concentrates on someone or something’s cons more than its pros. She’d rather hate you because of your defects than like you because of your perfections. 

When you meet her at first, she’ll deceive you by her smile, but you don’t know what’s going on in her head. She’ll make you feel like you and her have become close, but to her, you’re not even a mile near her.  She may be sweet to you but she is just lowering your defenses. She does this a lot. It is hard to tell if she is just faking her kindness or is actually real. She doesn't trust people as easily as it seems but she acknowledges only the people that she truly likes. Sometimes, she would pretend to trust them but she doesn't. She examines each person's aspect and personality to learn the person's true intentions (if they have any) or personality. Once you are trusted by her, she will always try to be there to help you. It may not seem like it, but she loves the ones she trust the most. No one knows her secrets as she doesn't trust people as much as it seems like she does. She examines each person's aspect and personality to learn the person's true intentions (if they have any) or personality.

She tends to hold grudges, she always has, even when she was a human. And her way of payback is rather nasty. She’d find your secrets and later blackmail you to work for her. She that time seems more of a villain but what the hell, she is a sadist and she enjoys it.

The only thing making her ‘human’ when she was alive was her love for animals and that was something she never lost even after she died.


History:Akira never had the ‘life’ that people always described to be ‘perfect’ or ‘happy’. Her father left her and her brother with a drunkass mother and their mother got liver cancer. But she didn’t die, not yet. She was there every day, making her kids suffer. By the age of 15 she was going to school while her elder brother worked his off to make money for her education. The person whom she truly loved was her own brother. He was her alpha and her omega. She loved him so much that she could die for him, and that was exactly what happened.

When she entered college,  she returned home only to find her mother and brother arguing about money. While her mother asked for money, her brother said no and as soon as he turned around to leave for his room, her mother charged at him with her empty bottle of vodka. Akira came in the way and the bottle pierced through her heart.

Her brother rushed her to the hospital but she died.

When her she woke up she found her body being taken to the morgue, her mother going to jail and her brother crying more and more.

On her funeral, she stood there, carefully watching her brother burry her, friends and relatives crying. But she didn’t care about that. All that she cared about was her brother, whose eyes looked dead.  That was right where Mistress Yoon walked to her, and asked her to be a physcopomp.


-         Mother- Park YooHwa- drunk, jobless and helpless. Always asking for money for alcohol. Hated by Akira and her brother Jung Min.

-         Brother – ParkJungMin- he works at a bakery suring daytime and es himself at night, without Akira knowing. When Akia died, he lost all hope of living. Akira found out about his profession that he did only for her and felt guilty about it. So she tried her best to help her brother live again, go to college and so, when she was not helping lost souls.

-         Father- Park Jae Won- He left his family for another women, when Akira was 6 and Jungmin was 10.


-         Chocolates

-         Blueberries

-         Ice Creams

-         Pancakes

-         Shoes

-         Writing in journals

-         Animals

-         Winters


-         Her mother

-         Her father

-         Spiders

-         Heights

-         Summers


Hobbies: Reading thick books, Writing poems


-         She likes watching the rain.

-         Whenever she’s in deep thought or is confused, she listens to this tune to sought it out-

-         She likes watching crime, supernatural and action dramas.

-         She enjoys music as much as any human.

-         She likes listening to gosspis and secrets but isn’t keen on telling hers

-         She loves animals, and she would do anything for animals.


About Your Hunt...



When not in use it is in a ring form-

Relic: A black cape, which causes her to camouflage and blend into the surroundings. Usually when she’s hiding. 9yeah something like harry potter’s invisibility cloack -__-‘’)


Feelings on Being a Psychopomp:  It doesn’t really make a difference to her as her life was a different hell back then, and now it’s just that she helps ‘lost souls’ and stuff, but in reality, she doesn’t care. She’s just doing her job, as it needs to be done. But her question is always,  Why? 

About Your Love...

Him: Ok Taecyeon (2PM), Minho (SHINee)

His Personality:

Taecyeon- he’s a nice person, who helps people a lot, and for some reason, he tends to bump into her now and then. Usually at night when she’s on a job, and if he asks her why she just leaves not answering which intrigues him. And the fact that he’s your rbother’s best friend and he knew you from your past life, he is shocked that both you and his friend’s dead sister posses a lot in common.

Minho- Same as Taceyeon.

How do you know him:  Taecyeon is your brother’s best friend and Akira never really talked to him, but he did know Akira quite well because he can find the real personality of a person just by talking to them once. He sees Akira peeking at her own funeral, and then he bumps into her here and there, usually at nights when Akira is getting a job done. And when he talks to her, he is left shocked that Akira and the dead Akira not only posses the same name but very similar personalities. Akira uses taecyeon as a way to meet her brother again, and she keeps on telling Taecyeon on how to help his friend get back on his feet. At first, she takes Taceyeon like a medium to help her Brother, Jung Min, but later begins to develop feelings for him, and same happens to Taecyeon.



Anything you'd like to add: Umm…will their families ever find out about them? I mean, can like Jung Min and Taecyeon find out about Akira, being his sister and all??

Scene requests: Hmm…I’d love a fight between Akira and a lost soul while saving her brother and Taecyeon.


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Gahh...I forgot to tell you. Korean only name. Akira is Japanese. Can't believe I missed that on the received apps page.