
AFF Username: missSpastic

Name: Cho Haneul

Stage Name: Hani

Date of Birthday & Age: 24 September 1992 (19)

Height & Weight: 165cm/41kg


Personality: Being an AB+, she is super enthu and a straight perfectionist. To her, everything has to be perfect. She can't stand people who are slow and she is a straightforward person. She voices every opinion she has in mind which sometimes hurts others' feelings. She is also very enthu in everything she does and wants to participate in every activity. She is polite to elders though, but in front of best friends she is completely eccentric and enthu. But to strangers, she may seem very quiet and shy. She is emotional, and can laugh or cry at the slightiest thing. But when she is sad she prefers to hide her feelings rather than show it as she doesn't want others to worry about her. So she appear cheerful almost 24/7. If someone bullies her or her friends, she will not hesitate to stand up to the bullies and kick some . (lol)

Style: a mix of all

Family Background: Her brother is Cho Kyuhyun from Super Junior and she lives with her aunt as her parents are constantly overseas.

Past: She first became a trainee when she was 12. She was scouted after winning a singing competition by a staff. She at first wasn't that good at dancing but after several years of training, she became good.

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese

Likes & Dislike: She likes sweet stuff like candy and chocolates. Without them, she will frown and be listless the whole day. She likes stuffed toys and fashion too. If she has nothing to do, she will chit chat about fashion all day long, even if it means talking to herself. She has a huge collection of stuffed toys and clothes at home. She likes to collect seashells too. When she was young she went to the beach often and loved collecting seashells since then. Travelling is also her fave.

She dislikes insects and bugs. When there's a bug, she will run 3 metres away. She dislikes horror movies too, as she has a phobia of ghosts. When her friends drag her to a horror movie, she will scream and start to cry. She used to have a bunch of mean bullies in school who bullied almost everyone so she hates bullies too. She dislikes heights and proud/snobby people.

Hobbies & Habits: She has a habit of talking to herself when alone and bored, looking around like a mad woman when she is in a foreign place, singing and breaking into a dance in public randomly and sleeptalking, sometimes sleepwalking too.

She likes to shop, especially on weekends when she is free. Cooking and eating is her fave too. Even though she often cooks terrible food, she still likes to cook. Everyone around her is afraid of letting her enter the kitchen as she once burnt down her own kitchen. She eats almost everything and likes to try new food, but never gets fat.

Separate Fanclub Name: Honey

Position: Main Vocalist/Main Face/Sub-Rapper

Friends: SNSD's YoonA, F(x)'s Victoria, SHINee and Super Junior's Eunhyuk and Heechul.

Love Interest: Key (SHINee)

Extra: Nothing else(: Just hope I can get chosen! Hwaiting!


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