
Um, hey. I have a confession to make...

The Sabrina that's typing this blog post now, isn't the Sabrina that you guys have been talking too. The Sabrina that you're talking to now is the one that has been writing the fanfic that the other Sabrina decided to post up with out telling me. ... I'M SORRY.

So if you didn't get that up there basically there are two Sabrina's. Sabrina #1 is the one writing this blog post (aka me). I had no idea what this site even was until Sabrina #2 mentioned it. Sabrina #2 is the one you guys have all befriended here on AFF. Um, yes she's in college. And the fanfic that she's been posting up is actually my story. o__o

I'M SORRY IF THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Basically Sabrina #2 has been using my photos and stuff on here because, well she's weird like that. x] No that's not the real reason. Haha. THE REAL REASON: She said, and I quote: "I wanted to give you at least some credit for the story you're writing."

Uh, yeah... Why am I telling you this? Because Sabrina #2 can't update anymore. She's gotten way to busy.

I'm sorry friends and subscribers for this misunderstanding. I had no idea that this was going on. -__-

SO, that's why I need your advice. Should I create my own account and move my story there or keep it on this one? I'm kinda leaning towards making my own account, but that's so much of a hassle since my fan fic has gotten so many awesome subscribers. x[ Anyway, I'm sorry once again. I didn't mean to deceive you guys. D:< I had no idea this site existed until now.



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