Fanfiction with SHINee and B2st



I wanted a true friend. Yes, I had SHINee, but I wanted someone new. I’ve grown up with SHINee since I was 5. I don’t know if they would really be my friends if our parents weren’t business partners. I wanted one who doesn’t have to know how wealthy I am.

All I wanted was a true friend, not those who only need my money and power. I wanted a friend who will understand why I’m a rebel, why I hate my mother and why I hate girls. Yes, I hate girls. I, Choi Minho, swooned over by no less than 50 girls a day, hate all of them. I hate them because I hate my mother. Gladly, I met  this masked guy in the club. He was one of the dancers in the Street Dance contest, or so I thought. Until one day, he slept at our house and I discovered he can’t be part of the all-male Street Dance Contest because he was actually.......................................a SHE. Not just any girl, but the only one who had the guts to answer me back with cold statements.

I wanted to hurt her while she was sleeping. I wanted to kill her. I wanted to put all my hatred on her. I pictured my mom in her position, and the frustration burned up in my heart. But a few words stopped me from laying even just a finger on her. She turned in bed. twitched. “Saranghaeyo, Choi Minho.”

I was used to hearing that from other girls at school, but something in her voice convinced me, convinced my heart, that she was sincere. I walked towards her. Instead of my initial plan of stabbing her chest with my blade, I leaned in, slowly and quietly, and kissed her lips from which the first words to make me feel loved came from.

“Saranghae, Kim Ju Kyu.”



Kim Ju Kyu

Real name: Kim Han Myeul

School name: Kim Ju Kyu

Masked name: Kim Gi Wan

Birthday: July 15, 1993

School: Seoul University, 1st year college



 ~Nobody knows where she lives, whom she lives with, what she likes, why she’s so cold and what she does for a living. Ever since she entered Seoul University, she has been alone. Not a single parent or guardian was seen getting her school report card of meeting the school guidance counselor whenever she got into fights either because of her basketball or dance teams’ territory.


~likes keeping everything to herself, including her name, which is why she doesn’t let anyone know her real name: Kim Han Myeul

Family Background:

~She was born in Tokyo, Japan. Her father is Korean and her mother is Japanese. She ran away from home when she was 12 years old because she couldn’t take all the pain her parents were giving her. Her father, Kim Chun Ji, started touching her when she was 9. Her mother, Su Hee knew of it, but she didn’t care because Chun Ji swore that he would not support their family anymore if she spoke a word to any authority. She was an only child, there was no one to protect and comfort her because her parents forbade her to make friends since the issue started. She stopped going to school and locked herself in her room most of the time.

One night, when her parents were in deep slumber, she packed some of her clothes, food enough for a few days and her savings to support herself, then left their house for good.

With the help of her friend’s parents, she was able to fly to Korea and lived with her aunt and cousins. However, after just a year with them, she decided to live independently. She was very young to live alone, but she insisted. She lives a few blocks from her aunt’s place in a house which was big enough for a family.

Her aunt still supported her by giving her allowances every month and regularly checking her out. She was grateful, but she promised herself that she would not live in a house with other people anymore.


~basketball and streetdancing. She plays basketball with a mask covering the lower part of her face. Only her schoolmates know that she is a girl with the name Kim Ju Kyu, but when she plays basketball or practices with her dancemates, they know her as a mysterious guy, Kim Gi Wan, who was too great to reject from joining the team.

~voice changing. She was able to keep her true gender a secret by changing her voice whenever she plays basketball or dances with her team.

~school. It’s not that obvious since she’s always so cold in school and barely looks at other people, but she is the top in her class. She doesn’t participate orally, but she almost always gets perfect scores in written examinations. She is determined not to have a family to live with and she plans of supporting herself with her own efforts and money.


~boys hitting on girls. She hasn’t forgotten what her dad used to do to her. When she sees girls being picked on/bullied/harassed by boys, she is sure to knock the hell out of them. However, she still has a soft spot in her heart for the boys who are dearly respectful towards girls because she knows that they are already endangered.

~people being nosy. She hates it when people ask her questions like “Where are your parents?” “Where do you live?” “What’s your number?” “Why are you so cold?” She keeps everything to herself and no one is to know anything about her. Nobody has contact with her, so when there are school activities, it’s either she attends or not and nobody can go texting or calling her to hurry to school.

Choi Minho

Birthday: December 9, 1991

School: Seoul University, 3rd year college


~cold, but not as bad as Ju Kyu. Minho is cold in the sense that he doesn’t speak if no one talks to him, but if someone does, he is warm and friendly. He always gets gifts from girls in school. He just smiles at them in gratitude, saying that he would keep them. But the truth is, when he goes home, he quickly throws it out as garbage. He hates girls and all he does is flirt with them, making them expect that he would go straight on them.

~rich. He gets everything he wants as soon as he says it. He has his own car, motorcycle, swimming pool and more. His life is perfect. He never fails a subject and he is always the star in school. Everyone wants to be his friend/classmate or even just a seatmate.

~longing for love. He feels that he has gained all the friends that he has just because of his wealth. He never felt true care from them because there was never a time that he needed their help since he always has a way to solve his problems with his money. He longs for love, not from girls as his girlfriends, but from boys as his brothers.

Family Background:

~his parents work in the United States of America and were only able to visit him during Christmas season, sometimes, never in a year or two. Before, they had a normal, happy life. They were always together through anything. However, his parents had a deep desire to earn much more money that they decided to leave their only son with just their helpers.

These parents of his were his dad and his stepmother. His father decided to separate from his first wife because of the cheating she did on him. Minho witnesses all the nights that his dad was away and his mom would bring different guys each night. He can’t forget how his mom’s moans disturbed his sleep and the frustration he felt. One morning, he woke up without his mother in sight. His dad explained everything to him, and to his surprise, he was more than happy to have his mother away.

Minho receives a lot of money from his parents almost everyday. To forget about the loneliness of not having a family to meet him when he gets home, he often spends the nights partying and drinking in clubs.


~guys whose eyes are not on his money. He has 4 true friends. (But he still doubt their loyalty sometimes.)

~clubs. These are his comfort place where the noise and chaos make him forget all his problems.

~streets. One night, when he was walking, he came across a group practicing their dance by a dark alley. It was unbelievable how he seemed to forget everything, but the only dancer in a black hoodie and had his face hidden.

~soccer and basketball. He spends his free time during the day playing basketball or volleyball with his friends as a form of regular exercise.


~girls. Each and every girl he sees reminds him of his mother. That’s why he takes revenge on them by hitting on them, dating them and being their boyfriend for only a day. After that, he would act as if he hadn’t even crossed paths with them. Despite this, girls still swoon over him and dream of being his last girlfriend.

~silent nights. It reminds him of the nights when his mother brought home different men. Silence would often make him remember his mom’s moans.


How was it?

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elyannachua #1
=) love the intro. ~
omo this too...why did u write such a good story~~T___T