Birthday Girl

Hell yeah! Today is my Birthday. This is the first time that I actually just let my DOB not private in my FB.

Yeah, I like it that people keep wishing me but dissapointment came as I see no wish from him.

I don't really know what I expect from him. No texts , no posts. Nothing. Not even a single call.

Well, I guess this just it between us. Nothing more than just a crush.

Sometimes, I keep wondering that if I am being stupid. And he and his friends actually laughing at me for being a stupid girl with no pride for a sec....

What a shame to myself. 

But wth, a boy won't ruin my own Birthday. Thats what friends for, a family for. I love you guys. =) not him Xb


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sweetcris23 #1
Happy Birthday!!!
Just enjoy your bday today, anyway there's still a plenty of time,you might be surprised later.
I wish you luck and more bdays to come!!!