Please hold on...T^T

I was going to update this weekend, or well, today, but I might be going out of town once again to visit my grandfather in the hospital  because he's doing poorly still, his health keeps decreasing and I'm scared I'm going to lose him....T^T


It's scary to think that just two days ago I was talking to him and now he's on the verge of dying...on top of that, his wife, who he's been with for 65 years, 63 of which they were married for, is also in the hospital but in a different one due to an infection in her lungs...I'm terrified that I'll lose both of them because they both are so old...


I'm not being selfish though, because my grandpa's living will (which kicks in tomorrow since today is the seventh day of recovery after the surgery he had last thursday, not yesterday, but thursday the 8th) says that he doesn't want to live off of machines...


Still it's sad to think that the strongest man in my life might be losing his...


I really hope my grandpa will stay strong until I get there with my sisters and my dad (we live 2 and a half hours away from the hospital he's at) so we all can be there for my mom, if he does end up passing away...


I'm sorry about this blog, but as I've told multiple others before, writing is my stress relief and it helps me keep my mind off things that are bothering me...


Anyways, I'll end it here...


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That's so sad.. ;_; I hope your grandparents get better :) It's okay, we'll wait for your updates, no need to rush it :)