Need some sireous help...

I have a major issue... Depression, epick mood swings. They sometimes make me fall asleep for about a week ,my head starts spinning ,my brain shuts down and I cry almost every night... I often think , that I'm a waste of space ,just like now... My grades went down at school ,used to cut myself before ,fignting suicidal thoughts most of the time... One time I put on a pikn wig just because when everybody laughed at me ,I felt less rejected... Most people thuink I'm a crazy that has everything in life ,that a 15year old girl might want ,but I can't seem to be happy... At school I have to put on my 'happy-sunny-bunny' mask ,so mostly noone knows about this issue. I'm good at helping my friends and people around me to cheer up and think that life's worth living ,but somehow I can't help myself... I have noone to actually talk to ,so I keep everything inside and it's killing me from the inside... My halucinations are really freacky sometimes especially when I see a little beutiful girl commiting a suicide ,and I just whant to follow her steps... Please ,could somebody hepl me?


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