How to be a Good Reader

Annyeong everyone!

I don't know if you all bothered reading my blog or not...

But this is something I wanted to say.


I'm not a popular writer here... Haha

But I've been reading a lot of fanfic.


Ever since dbskgirl4ever (my fave author of all times) privated her stories... I believed most of you were upset by her decision.

As an author of many good stories, she has a lot of fans.

However, because of her fame, I think that there is a handful of you who wanted to ride on her fame and plagarise her fanfic.


That is really bad, you know.

You should understand and be thankful for the efforts of the author. The days when she would do regular updates just to let her subscribers happy. 


Do you appreciate her efforts? (I meant those who plagarised her fanfic and posted it elsewhere as if they wrote it.)


I think she loves all her subscribers as much as I do love mine. So that was why she updates like 2-3 times a day!

Even I find this a really difficult thing to achieve... OTL


You can't expect her to be the only one to be giving. So.... please, respect her this time if she unprivate her stories.

If you love her, just post positive comments on her wall and stories. I think this is the best way to cheer her up. ^^


To my readers... You know I don't usually put my 'No plagarism' in bold in my stories..

But if you plagarise, I will be really really really really sad. Araso?


You all know how hard I work for you guys.. T___T





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--minyoungiie #1
yeah,unnie ireally agree with u!we MUST respect the writter,it her's anyways!^^,ah!!unnie,don't private ur story,i'll miss them T_T~~hha,
--minyoungiie #2
yeah,unnie ireally agree with u!we MUST respect the writter,it her's anyways!^^,ah!!unnie,don't private ur story,i'll miss them T_T~~hha,
I love you unnie ~ As much as I love dbskgirl4ever unnie :)
Keke ~
All I do first when access to AFF everyday is checking if you and dbskgirl4ever have updated yet, or have some problems ~
Then I update on my own story :) Seriously, if you two (oh, and littlepenguin too) don't update, I don't have any appetite to update :))
You guys affect me too much ~

Okay, please do respect your beloved authors, kay guys ~
lethargic #4
You're one good author here too unnie!! ^^
Me likey your story too :)
Yep, some of them are blind that they don't see any warning ;_;
I don't like her stories (at all...), but it still that some people has no respect. she's worked hard to write those stories, obviously.
Aigoo She's my favourite author too~She's like my sister i will forever support her and i like this blog post!This shows how much we love her~^___^
THanks for sharing and i agree with you :)
I know!!!
keep up the good work!!
Love your story!!!