User’s Information;

AFF Username: Its_JangMi123

Profile Link:

Activity: 8

Name/Nickname: JangMi :)


Character’s Information;

Name: Kim JaeMi

Age: 15

Birthdate: February 15

Ethnicity: Korean

Hometown: Daegu, S. Korea

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 47 kg

Blood Type: B


Ulzzang’s Name: Jang Hae Byeol


Secondary Ulzzang's Name: Hong Younggi




JaeMi is a little girl with a big punch. When you first meet her, she is quiet, shy, and cold. Whe you get to know her, she is loud, dorky, and a bit tomboyish. She has a natural talent for aegyo, but only uses it rarely. She isn't afraid t say what's on her mind. She will do anything for the people she cares for. Even though she is a tomboy, she is a hopeless romantic and is obsessed with CUTE BOYS. She has ADHD so she can't sit still. She loves skinship. She carries around anything she thinks she'll need if she's going anywhere. She LOVES candy and will do anything for it. She is very competitive and naturally is good at games. She doesn't like losing or being wrong.


*video games








*horror movies





*sitting still




*video games


*practicing her rapping


*games(like on variety shows)






*jumps up and down

*laughs randomly

*hugs people

*talks with aegyo/does aegyo



*hits things

*death glares whoever made her mad



*yells(she yells a lot)

*Walks around

*does more skinship then usual


*Moves around a lot

*eats sweets

*talks more


*bites her lip




Family Background:

Kim JaeMi lived in Daegu until the age of 10. When she was 10 years old, her family decided to move to Seoul, hence she has no accent.  Her parents both have jobs that require them to go on overseas business trips. Usually, JaeMi will stay home with her brother when her parents are gone. She learned how to take care of herself and matured. She and her brother are very alike and got along well. They would go out places when they're parents were gone.

JaeMi's parent's were strict and would not let jaeMi and her brother go out very often. They are overprotective, but they let JaeMi audition and supported her.

Character's Background:

When JaeMi ws 13, she started auditioning and going to talent competitions.


Family Members;

Dad: Kim JaeSoo, Oct. 18, CEO of Son industries

JaeSoo is the pushover of JaeMi's parents. He spoils his children whenever he can.

Mom: Kim SoonAe, July 7, Advertising director in the fashin industry

SoonAe is the strict mother-figure in the family. Her family's well-being comes first, but she can't always be there. She tries to make as much time for her family as possible.

Siblings: Kim JaeSon, 17, student

Loves skinship just as much as JaeMi. Is very protective and often is mistaken for jaeMi's boyfriend when they hang out. Supports JaeMi very much and has seen her do aegyo more than anyone. He knows her best.


Best Friend: Park HyunSoo(male), 16, student

HyunSoo is like JaeMi's second brother. He knows about her skinship obsession so he always does skinship with her. He is very understanding and is a big pushover. He is very good at aegyo and hates seeing people unhappy.







BAP Zelo || October 15, 1996 || Personality: Zelo is like JaeMi's brother when she doesn't have HyunSoo or JaeSon. JaeMi is very relaxed around him and tells him everything. She loves doing skinship with him and using him as a pillow. Zelo taught her to rap so they practice rapping together. She uses aegyo on him to get what she wants. || Relationship with you: friends




How'd you get into A Entertainment?: JaeMi joined a talent competition in Incheon and was scouted there for her rpping and dancing

Position:Main rapper/sub dancer

Persona: Dorky Rapper

Favorite Sunbaenim: Eli :3 He's just so cute! ><"

Why? He's just so cute! And because he is a rapper and dancer :D

Stage Name: J-Mi

Extras: Nothing^^*


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