Think Before You Act.

As all of you probably know, a lot of talented writers on AsianFanFics are getting their stories plagerized and saved onto their computers. 

You guys should know it's wrong to do such thing. If you guys don't have an idea to write a fanfic, DON'T EVER PLAGERIZE, OR STEAL THE IDEA FROM ANOTHER ONE AND USE IT AS YOUR OWN. If you don't have an idea, then why bother writing in the first place? Stealing is wrong. We were all taught this in kindergarten.

You shouldn't do this because someone will obviously know the truth, and YOU are the one that's going to get in trouble. Doesn't it make you guilty to do such thing? How old are you guys to be doing such a stupid thing? Stealing? ARE YOU THAT PROUD OF STEALING?

Authors are proud of what they write. They take all their time and effort to write such good stories for readers to read. Knowing that someone copied their story and made it into their own, makes the authors feel disappointed. They can go to the extent of making their stories private or even disabling their accounts. You know it upsets both the readers and authors right?

Can you guys just not do this anymore? This only goes out to the people doing this sort of thing. I know not all people do this. If this keeps happening, I think the authors who are fed up will actually deactivate their accounts or AFF might shut down. I'm not sure of the outcome but this is a possibility. 



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