My life story

I sometimes lay in bed crying at night because I miss my older brother. ( he's not dead) I wonder what he's doing or how he is, or if he's sick.

everyone thinks of him as the bad guy but I can't accept the fact.

my mother really won't talk to me, she is always in her room and when ever she leaves I dont get a " bye Blake love you" I just get a " I'll be back around 11 or 12, dinner is in the freezer"

I have another brother who I really dont see at all.

My grandmother is dying because she has stage 4 liver cancer and the doctor said she only has 3 months to live.

My life isnt perfect. I just wish that people would realize that...

I'm going through some tough times right now but its like no one cares anymore I dont have alot of friends, I'm always being teased at school I'm called the when I'm still a . I'm called a when I'm the nicest person in my school. I keep to myself and I'm called a freak because of it.

People have no idea what is going on in my life but they think they do.


I just want things for me to be different but I know that will never happen.....


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Awww! It's okay, Unnie! Just remember, that one day. It'll all be over and you'll never have to deal with bad people at your school anymore. (:
And I'm sure you brother (whom you miss) misses you a lot too and thinks about you as much as you think about him.
My mom used to be the same way before she quit drinking, but she realized what it was doing to me when I told her about how I felt.
My great grandmother died last year of cancer. We knew she didn't have a lot of time, but we kept by her and supported her throughout the very last seconds. Now, she's in a better place.
Unnie, it DOES get better. It always does. When one door closes, another one opens. I know I'm younger than you, but I've been told that as soon as school is done, life is FANTASTIC. Also, that sometimes, you just have to look at the positive things in life. (:
I can't understand how your feeling right now, but I hope that things get better for you and that when they do, we can go to a BEAST concert! Don't forget you said you'd hide me in your suitcase!
ohh. it's okay. we can't please people but you have to remember to be just yourself and don't mind the people who don't care. there will always be someone who will be there for you, despite of things, just keep looking around.