Fail Blog Post

So frustrated right now.... like............

I feel like my RP is failing or that no one really cares about it. I care, I put a lot of time and effort into and sometime I just... it seems like I'm getting ignored. 

Ugh.... I don't even know right now...

Does someone, anyone, want to help? I don't care who or how, I just need some help getting this thing off the ground. I will give you millions of hugs if you help me out in anyway.... I just really need help...... (Overuse of the word 'help'? Yeah... I think so. >< )

If someone can get my (and my RP) from this: 

To this:

Or this: 

I will be forever grateful. <3 

Okay...... my GIF spam is over with....... 

......... and I feel like such a fail right now. 


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