I try so hard sometimes.

I know God is watching.


And I know times get hard.

But this...this is just ridiculous. I can't even think right now!!! mom just told me about this new job she was just offered and stuff. Keep in mind that she just told me  last week that we were moving to a different state. So now we might be staying here. And listen to this. We have a science project due this monday.


I THOUGHT I WAS MOVING. I DIDN'T FREAKING DO IT BECAUSE WE WERE SUPPOSED TO MOVE THIS FREAKIN WEEKEND! I don't know...Too much is going on in my head right now. My grades might drop. I'm stressed. I want to cry but I can't. I want to talk to an older brother or sister but we're not close and we barely know each other because of bad family stuff..

Sometimes I feel so lonely. I have this best friend too. She makes me laugh a lot and can make me feel better faster. But she's moving to Arizona like in early June. Then I'm really not going to have anyone. I know I'm not supposed to think this at all. But does God really not ...?

I don't know.



I really don't.

And I know to get where I'm going I'm going to have to go through all these....'obstacles' and what not. But is this really necessary?!?!?!

STRESS? How is this beneficial to me?!!

Like, AT ALL? I'm a lonely, emotional, stressed out girl with low self confidence sometimes often.  What can a girl do?


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AbriMathos #1
I commented on your other post but after reading this, you need to talk to your teacher. Maybe she/he can give you an extension. Just take your time. Take everything one step at a time.