Are you a REAL ELF?!

So, I was on Deviant art, a friend of mine found something on tumblr, someone, posted THIS:

"I CAN’T ACCEPT ZHOU MI. i find him so UNLIKEABLE. he destroyed KYUMIN.

i don’t HATE him actually, i just can’t find myself to like him.

i see him as this alien who came to terrorize kyumin. and also because i see that kyuhyun exerts more effort into QMI than KYUMIN. and it breaks my heart to see sungmin’s face here. >>

i want SJ as 13+2. but not 15."

ARE YOU CALLING YOURSELF A REAL 'ELF'?! If you can't RESPECT ALL 15 OF THEM TOGETHER then obviously, you're not! 13+2?! Not 15?! THAT'S JUST GOING WAY TOO FAR! This part was written by the amazing person here:

"Get out. Get. Out.

Let me break this into parts. Let’s start with your title.

You can’t accept Zhou Mi? Guess what. He accepts you. All you people who have something, anything against him for reasons indescribably ridiculous. He still accepts you, because there’s not much he can do about it. But the little he can, he does. Have you seen him in interviews? Have you seen him, when they ask about people who don’t accept him? Have you seen that broken look in those eyes and how he still manages to say that he will work harder, he will be better. And he doesn’t even do that solely for himself, so that you’d like him. He does it because he doesn’t want to let the others down. Did you know, that he has actually thanked the people who don’t accept him? Have you ever thanked him? Without him, there wouldn’t be a whole lot of songs, without him, the Mandarin pronunciation of the other members wouldn’t be on that level that it now is, in songs, and when they interact in the shows. Even back when Han Geng was there to guide them, Zhou Mi worked so hard. Taking care of the others. Recording demos of every song so the other members would learn how to sing the correctly. Teaching them Chinese. The list is a lot longer.

But the thing that I can’t stand comes the next. How are you going to explain just how exactly he has destroyed Kyuhyun? What is that even supposed to mean? Has he hurt him, has he stepped on his toes, has he said mean words to him? Zhou Mi is not a bully, not wrecking anyone emotionally, even less physically. So what the is your argument in the first place? That is one of the rudest things I have ever heard of. If anything, Zhou Mi has been there for Kyuhyun. He kept him company when he was sick, and the other members were busy with their schedules. He makes Kyuhyun laugh [there’s ing evidence, read fanaccounts]. I just can’t fathom how anyone can exclaim that someone has destroyed another person, when all you can see is what they let us see. Zhou Mi is not just an idol, an entertainer, a voice, a face. He’s a person. He has feelings. So has everyone else. And I’m pretty damn sure that he also knows how to use those feelings, how to interact with others and well, not destroy anyone.

So, you see him as “the alien who came to terrorize Kyumin”. Um, facts. Kyuhyun and Sungmin are two different persons, with their own mind, own feelings. This also applies to Qmi and any freaking pairing you want to name. Zhou Mi and Sungmin are friends. They spend time together, Zhou Mi teaches Sungmin Chinese. Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun are friends. To not accept Zhou Mi because of a pairing is beyond ridiculous. I’m not going to talk about the differences between Kyumin and Qmi, because they have really nothing to do with this.

I don’t hate Sungmin because I ship another couple. I don’t find him unlikeable because I ship another couple. Sungmin is a wonderful person, who dedicates himself to Super Junior and singing, to his fans. Guess what. Zhou Mi is just the same. He works hard to achieve his dream, he works even harder for people to start finally accepting him. He holds his fans close, members closer. Nothing about this has anything to do with the way either of them interacts with Kyuhyun or the other members. Sure, both of them are close to him, but it’s irrelevant. We see what we see, and sometimes what we see is even the truth, or the whole of it.

We should not involve any pairings when it comes to accepting a member as a person. All pairings are irrelevant, when you are using them as a tool for negative things. They are just a point of view, and there are a whole lot of more important things than stupid pairings.

13+2? How would you feel if you were placed in that position? That you would never be really part of what you love, that you would never really belong? That some people would always think a little lesser of you, because you were not a ‘real’ member?

I don’t even know. My hands are shaking too much, I’m sure there are replies that cover this issue better than this short rant, I really can’t process my thoughts right now. I really hope that you’re a damn troll but this is just not funny."

She is one of the bravest people on earth to be protecting Zhou Mi like that ;_; What do you guys think? Thank you to this person who povided me this information:


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Actually, I think Being an ELF Means you can hate other members and still have respect for the group.<br />
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I like Zhou Mi, mind you, But I think the dude has a right to what they he/she to say.<br />
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I mean, ELFs just can't tell other ELFs to respect the other members if they don't want to.<br />
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It's not just right, Because people have opinions.<br />
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But lol vintagentleman is an awesome name.<br />
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And BTW, We should just not have QMi and Kyumin.<br />
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We should have KyuCraft, SungPink, And GentMi.<br />
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Kyuhyun and star craft, Sungmin and Pink, and Gentleman Mimi.<br />
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Problem solved. *throws confetti* XD