Still new here. n_n

I must say, I'm really enjoying my stay here reading everyone's stories. I like to read these stories with relaxing music to help me relax, because my job stresses me out immensely. @_@" I'm not Korean, so it's also giving me a feel for Korean mannerisms as well. I'd like to write a fanfic one of these days. The good stories really get me when I have enough inspiration, I'll probably end up posting a fanfic of my own. Yay. n_n


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rockabyebaby #1
Welcome to AFF... hope you enjoy it as the days go on ^_^<br />
Good luck on writing a story. Just a tip when you're writing. Write for yourself and what you wanna do. Dont get lost in the hype with wanting tons of readers and subscribers at first. Anyway have a good time. My name is jen and feel free to stop by my wall to chat XD