1VS {10 Member Co-Ed Group} Application

Username: aegyo-hwaiting

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/93784 

Native Language: Japanese


Name: Dong Shim Jang

Nickname: Jangie

Stage Name: ShimJang

Gender: female

Ethnicity: half korean, part chinese, part japanese

Age: 16

Birthday: 10/09/95

Height: 165cm


Fashion Style:

Causal: http://www.topfashion100.com/image/cache/data/Dresses/LXJ1930-1-500x750.jpg


Formal: http://76.my/Malaysia/shalala-jjdk1668-white-korea-sweet-elegance-dress-1001-02-shoppingshalala@8.jpg 


Practice/Dorm: http://www.fashionez.com/image/cache/data/womens-shirts/leisure-wear-letters-print-long-sleeves-pullover-ladies-shirt-sr085-380x480.jpg 


Does she/he like metallic, light pastel, or dark colors most? depends on her mood

Hair Color: (Any changes you would like to happen throughout the story?): black, changes maybe to blond, red, blue, green or other colours, your decision


Ulzzang Name: Park Ji Young

Ulzzang HQ Links: http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkath9eSEL1qbu1tso1_400.jpg 





Personality: She is kind and warm-hearted, very ambitious and does everything for her dream and somethimes she is hurting people without really thinking about it. She uses much aegyo but even sometimes acts cute without realizing it, she tries to act self-confident and carefree but is actually really insecure. Usually she can control her temper but in certain situations she freaks out really badly. Because she trust people very easily she had been hurt often, she is a little bit dumb and naiv and doesn't realize when someone has got feelings for her. She is crazy and sometimes does crazy things other people doesn't understand and she is a perfectionist for everything that is important to her. She can't stand people who are not serious about what they are doing or people who use music as a way to get money or become famous and popular. She believes into soulmates.

History: Her hometown is Seoul. Her home life was nice until she decided to become a trainee. Because her parents own one of south Koreas biggest companies they want their only child to go to Koreas best university, someday marry a son of a rich family and assume their parents company. Her childhood was difficult because she trusted people easily who where just after beeing friends with a rich girl. So she had no real friends at all. So she put all her heart into dancing, rapping and singing. The relationship to her parents got worse in just some time. When she wanted to audition her parents were against it but agreed after she stared in a commercial.

Her parents still want to get her daughter out of music business. So she decided to only see her parents when its unavoidable.

From 1(least)(no) to 10(most)(yes), rate your character in the following:

Is a Perfectionist: 10

Wakes Up Early Easily: 1

Is Fully Awake in the Morning: 2

Likes to Exercise: 10

Is Good At Drinking: 0

Likes Fame When Not On Stage: 5

Room Is Always Clean: 4

Is Perceptive About Other’s Emotions: 6

Uses Aegyo: 10

Academically Intelligent: 8

Good at Dealing with Nerves: 9

Likes to Be Alone: 5


When you enter the group:

Would you like to have a friend or person you already know in that group? No

Would you like to form a rival in that group? Yes, but not necessarily

Would you like to form a love-interest in that group? Yes! a member of chrome if it's possible.


Habits: eats like a hamster, laughs when shes nervous,

Likes: bubbletea, cake, Taekwondo, strawberries

Dislikes: unpolite people, alcohol, cold water, getting a flower bouquet

Langugaes: Korean, Mandarin, Japanese, English

Anything I should know about your character: She took acting lessons when she was younger; in the commercial she had to say only one sentence.


Family: father: Dong Myung Sik, owner and CEO of a big company,

             mother: Zhou Qing, former actress, had only stared in a few movies and drama, 

                           quit as soon as she met her future husband.

[See list for following two questions. If not on list, please include personality.]

Friends: Minzy (2NE1), bestfriend, really close

              Dongho (UKISS), bestfriend, close

              Henry (Super Junior), friend, close

              Taeyang (BIGBANG), friend

              G-Dragon (BIGBANG), friend



Love Interest: [Love triangle?][Member?] Personality? How is your relationship now? Have you met?  Love triangle sounds interesting to me,

I don't really know with who but I was thinking of maybe her and two members of chrome? If thats absolutely not possible or you don't like that idea at all then it's allright if there is no love triangle, her relationship to her love interest is more important to me. But if you really want a love triangle with an idol then it's okay, but I don't really like thus idea. But I really would prefer to have this whole stuff in the group. I just think maybe it would be more interesting? But of course you decide, if you want to have it different then that's okay, but I really thought long about this love triangle stuff and to me it just seems the best solution, I think it adds a little bit drama to the group. But it's okay if there is no love triangle!

I just want to add that she only got one love interest, so it should really go in a direction with who she will be at the end. Not that she is first in a relationship with one, then with the other, please.


 What is your rapping like? She can rap in every language she speaks and puts all her strong emotions and feelings in her rap, she can rap pretty fast, powerful and charismatic. She likes rapping as much as singing but she raps just a little bit better than she sings.

What is your singing like? She also puts her emotions and feelings in her singing. She doesn't really have much talent for singing but because she is working really hard and put all her heart in it she can sing well. So her singing is just a little bit less good than her rapping.

What is your dancing like? Her dance is powerful and charismatic. She practiced dancing very much and it is now her best skill. She can memorize dance moves easily and she never gets tired of dancing. Dancing is her life, even more than singing and rapping.

Preferred Position: Main dancer, Lead rapper, vocalist

What dance can you perform best? Hip Hop, Breakdance, Girlgroup dances

What kind of vocals do you have? normal

Your specialty? Allrounder (Dancing, rapping, singing)


Is your character more hard-working or talented? hard-working

Other jobs your characters have?


Other kpop groups you would like to work with: BIGBANG, MBLAQ, Super Junior M

Your Favorite Company [SM, YG, or JYP?] [Write in order of preference] : YG, SM, JYP


Suggested Group Colors: pink and blue

Suggest Debut Song: If it should be an existing song, I don't really now... maybe No Way by Rottyful Sky. I don't know if you know it, it's a korean song from 2010.  Just if it really should be an existing song.

If you'll write a song and still are searching for a title, recently I really like the sentence  ' Naega wae? ' which means 'why should I?' , I just thought that maybe that would be a good song title.


Note: If anything is missing or has to be changed please tell me. Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes.


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XjennykimX #1
Love triangle with who?
XjennykimX #2
Is your love interest a member?