Looking Back

Today is a really nice day. It's sunny out and walking out of my train station, I can see all the children playing at the park nearby. I think about days like this back when I was in elementary school, in junior high and even my last years in high school. Looking at days where I didn't really have to worry much about tests that I knew I was going to pass and get decent grades on.

In elementary school, I used to go to the park mentioned and just play around with my friends. In junior high I would watch a couple of friends play handball while goofing off with a friend's phone and basically just chilling around or going with a very important friend to the library and checking out manga books. Freshman year of high school, I went to a park nearby my high school or in Manhattan or hung out with friends in Manhattan. Last year I would have done either of those, but with a different group of friends.

Today I look back and I realize how great I've had it. Today, I'm studying for an AP U.S. History essay I have to do tomorrow while subsequently worrying about college and grades. I want to go back to simpler times and just sit down and read. It's days like this that make me want to take the kids of this generation and just chuck them to the nearest park and ban them from their phones, computers and everything electronic. I love days like today, but I can't enjoy it. I have way to much on my plate to even be typing this up. But if I don't, I'll never be able to remember this moment in my life where I just wanna be a 5th grader again and sit on my balcony reading some book, like how I did one day with my Harry Potter book.

It's a really nice day out and while I can't enjoy, plenty of you guys who are --I hope-- reading this and not brushing it off, can go out and do something worthwhile. Yeah it might not be studying like me, but how about go and enjoy life? It's a perfect day to do that and since I can't, I need someone to do it for me and report back. I'll wait a week. I'm pretty sure I'm talking to myself here, but can someone humor me?? XDD

----Love, Nichi-chan :D


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