Still Captivated by that One



Still Captivated by that One



Why I can’t still forget your eyes

And the way it sparks every time you stare to mine

I really thought I’m now over

But why it still hurts me to see your photos with her


You really had been the best guy for me

The ONE who cheered me up to gain positivity

You know how to make me smile when I’m at worst

And hold my hand just for me not to get lost


Rereading your past text messages saved in my inbox

Listening to your recorded voice in my iPod

Viewing your pictures in my laptop

Keeping the sobs in myself not to come out


It’s really hard to admit now

That I found your replacement one

Even if I say I don’t love you in several times

I feel like dying seeing your tears falling from your precious eyes.


But now that you’re now with someone else

It hurts me still but I must make my mind in peace

I’m letting you now happy with her accompany

And I promise that it’s still you who has my endless memory





why i still miss him.  i still want to hear his voice at night, even it's too late already for his call?

why i can't look for any replacement? why he still captivates me and makes me to love him again?

why i can't move on over that guy??




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wow!!! beautiful!!! do you write these poems by yourself? AMAZING!!!! XDD