


Asianfanfics Name:Rocktheboat
Full Name:Akita Usagi
Nicknames:Moon(English Name) or Akigi(Both Last name and First Name put together)
Birth Date:March 2nd, 1991
Birth Place:Yokohama,Tokyo
Languages Spoken:English(Semi-Fluent),Japanese(Fluent),and Korean(Fluent,But cant read or write Korean)
Personality:Usagi is a an aggressive, tomboyish, and sometimes-bullying Bad-Girl who has no respect for the rules or other people, (except her boss and members). It is possible that her tomboy demeanor is just a wall so people can't get close to her and then hurt her. Consequently, she frequently gets into trouble. She can be bossy at times, but can have a big heart. She is also witty, caring, and ingenious. Usually, she is not a girly girl. For a girl of her size, she is shown to have amazing physical strength. Perhaps her most prominent trait is her immense appetite and love for food (especially meat or anything meat-flavored).Usagi does have somewhat of a soft side, especially when struck with guilt. There is no doubt that Usagi is aggressive, but she would never do anything violent to her friends/family.Usagi is often suspicious and slightly paranoid for the weirdest reasons.Usagi  shows her sweet and sensitive side once in a while, which proves she is not completely blunt and rude all the time. Interestingly enough, she appears to become very uncomfortable whenever she is treated as a girl,which is weird since she is one.In spite of this, upon first seeing her, Shiro is instantly attracted to her feminine beauty.She can also be quiet and shy in social situations and unwilling to show emotions, as she has suppressed them so strongly and views herself as a Tomboy. Even though she attempts to hide them, her insecurities become more and more apparent.Usagi is a cheery and friendly young woman that anyone would like, but she can come across as being spoiled and stubborn. 
Family History/Background: Ever since she was a child, Usagi was always the brave and good hearted person she is today. As popular as always, as a kid she would always excel in school as well as martial arts, which she studied with her childhood friend ,at her fathers dojo. Usagi was born in Yokohama, Japan, as heiress to a wealthy family. She was raised in New York, before returning to Japan for Middle School. Her Mother is Japanese, and her Step-Father is an English businessman whose work frequently takes him away from home.Her real Father died of an Heart-Attack the same day Usagi was born.When She was 14 years old,Her mother gave birth to her little sister who also find out later in the future,Her Father would not have enough time to spend family time with them.
Family members: 
Father|42|Was an Docter|
Mother|39|Own a Bakery|
Half-Sister|7yr|Sell the Drinks in the Bakery|
Step-Father|38|Own Fashion Companys around the World|






6.Miku Hatsune












8.Lovely Dovey Movies

  1. Playing Games
  2. Looking in the Mirror 
  3. Help Mother at Bakery
  4. Babysit her sister when mother is busy(Everyday)
  5. Go to the Dojo

1.When Lying i tend to Cry alittle

2.I have an High Laugh when Nervous

3.When Mad i will start an Fight

4.When Happy i like to do an Random dance

5.Always speak the truth which sometime hurt people

    tumblr_lysqb9mxYY1roqzh0o1_500.jpg tumblr_lykmkaliVE1qah1pdo1_500.jpg tumblr_luq7q67rNK1qacmkzo1_500.jpg tumblr_lv0og4AW0n1qkhgrko1_500.jpg tumblr_lv0199ZqfB1qjzk4to1_500.jpg tumblr_m0nr1wvx0y1rqkjv0o3_500.png
Name of Chosen appearance:Kiritani Mirei
Stage Name: Sailor Moon
Persona: Tomboyish Sweetheart
Position:Main Dancer-Sub Rapper
Trainee Years:3 years
Trainee Experience: Been in Drinks/Phones Ads and A cameo in Gokusen(Japanese TV Show) 
Trainee Story: She was very famous for being an bully after hitting The most popular girl in the nose.She was popular with the boys but they was to scare after rumors went around she beat up boys that she dislike.She share an Trainee room with the boys since girls think that she will killed them or make them evil.She became friends with the an outcast which made a few people think she was nice...Which is true.She was an harder trainee then the boys but the boss only made her train more since she could not go a day without make someone cry or stealing snacks out the Idols room.I would explain more but it mostly is make the boss fall down the stairs and spray painting the building.
Relationship Status:We have not meet |Single but ready to Mingle 
How did you meet?:N/A
Bestfriends:Minho,Gyuri,and Amber
Friends:Jessica,Yoona,Onew,and Siwon
(want )Yes


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