GAHHH AFF's Trouble


I'm pretty sure most of you experienced the AFF trouble. My friends and I were like dying since most of time is using AFF. I was literally bored the whole day on the 11th. -_____-

AFF is recovered,but still in the process of fixing,kinda. I lost some chapters of my fic too.. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻



So some news:

for those that read Never Expected it to Happen,my epilogue(last chapter) is now gone. So since its very hard to rewrite the whole thing, I'm afraid that I'm going to make chapter 9 as the ending. So no epilogue,unless I get all my missing chapters back...

for those that read and still are reading My First Words are Lee Donghae, the 2 latest chapters are missing. Since this fic is on-going,I will write chapter 4 again.Chapter 5,luckily, I had saved. YESSS!!! Because writing that...was...very.very.very.difficult. It's even more difficult than rewriting a whole fic. So if I had to rewrite that,I will die. 

Taking away AFF and my fanfics is like taking away the world's food supply.


So thank you guys for sticking with me~ and props to the AFF staff for working very hard to get this site back up and hopefully the chapters too


Follow me on twitter for any more announcements or just to see when will i update:!/destiny_blue98

I finally started using twitter after a long time so not a lot of post XD 

~Dia is Out!


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