Lollipop App ^^


 Info About You 

♔ AFF Username : tien1190

♔ AFF Profile Link :

♔ Country : USA 



♔ Character's Info 

♔ Name : Lee Mimi 

♔ Age: 20

♔ Ethnicity: Korean 

♔ Nickname : Mini-Mi 

♔ D.O.B : 1/29/1994

♔ Blood Type : A

♔ Height/Weight (cm/kg) : 175 cm/ 40 kg 

♔ Language : Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent), Japanese (Learning) 

♔ Birth Place : Seoul, South Korea 

♔ Talent : Singing and dancing 

♔ Hometown : Seoul, Soth Korea 

♔ Education : Seoul National University 

♔ Personality :  Mimi is a fun and happy girl. She will always have a smile on her face even if she is pissed or sad. She is lazy as heck and you would have to scream or threaten her if you want her to do something for you. She is outgoing and loves to party. She loves to party and she get's invited to every party from her friends because they say her immaturity and playfulness makes the party fun. She laughs at everything and anything funny. She laughs at any jokes and even the corny ones. She is very atheltic even though she is lazy as heck. She joins every team in school and tries her best to win every competition. She loves to talk with everyone. She doesn't care who she talks to as long as they talk back to her. She would talk to a stranger or even a lower social ranking then her because in her mind there is no such thing as a social ranking. Mimi has a very good temper but if you make a rude comment about one of her friends she would go off on you and  take all her anger out on you. She goes online a lot and she perfer Facebook over Twitter any day.

♔ School Behavior : She is an average student. 

♔ Habits : 

-forgetting stuff easily

-walking around in cricles when she's nervous

-blanking out when she's listening to someone

-talking to someone and then leave before they can talk back 

♔ Likes : 


-her laptop
-her I-Pod 
-her phone


♔ Dislikes :


-bitter candy
-sad people
-mean people
-being clumsy
-taking shots at the doctors 


♔ Talents : 



-Playing the piano


♔ Hobbies :


-listening to music
-playing the piano 
-talking to people 


♔ Phobia/Allergic : 

-Dandelions (Allergic)

-Clowns (Phobia)

-Shots (Phobia)

♔ Training Years : 2 years 

♔ Where Did They discover you (Audition,Back-Up Dancer,Choreographer,Singing in Contest) : She went to a singing contest because her friend signed her up without her knowing it. She sang her heart out because her friends said that if she wins then they will buy her candy for one whole month. She won first place and one of the judges was an SM scout and they asked her to audition but she rejected it. The SM scout was disappointed at first but then he gave her his card and said, "Call me if you change your mind." She went back to her friends and they saw what happened and asked why she rejected him and she just said, "I didn't feel like it." Then they bribed her with candy again and then she went to the audition a few weeks later.  

♔ Favorite Color : Neon Green 

♔ Favorite Food : Candy



♔ FanClub ♔

♔ FanClub Name : Partiers 

♔ FanClub Color : Neon Green

♔ Fanclub Symbol : A disco ball 

♔ FanClub Merchandise : Shirts, buttons, bags, and pictures of Mimi. 


♔ Appearance ♔

♔ Appearance :

♔ Back Up Ulzzang :

♔ Fashion Style (9+) :


♔ Her Background ♔


 Family Background : Her family was always rich because her dad was a famous doctor along with her mom. Mimi never acted like a spoiled rich kid but she got everything she wanted. She never acted like a rich kid around anyone because she hates the rich kids that she hangs around with when she was young. They would never get down and dirty and have fun while Mimi would always have fun getting dirty. Her parents loves her very much because she is the only girl in the family and they adore her very much especially her dad. Her dad spoils her while her mimi babies her. She doesn't see her parents that much because they're always busy with their job but when she see them she would make it worth while. 

♔ Parents :

Lee Kyung || 40 || Doctor || She has a good relations ship with her dad but he spoils her a lot. 

Lee Eun-Mi || 39 || Doctor || She has a good relationship with her mom but she  babies her too much.

♔ Sibling (Name/Age/Job/Personality)(3 idols):

Lee Sungmin || 26 || Super Junior member || He loves his younger sister and he wants her to work in the same entertainment as him.  

♔ Childhood Days : She and her older brother would always hang around rich little kids. They hated it but they had to because their parents were friends of the rich spoiled kids. She hated it because they would never want to do what she wanted to do. She wanted to run around and play tag while they wanted to have tea parties and play with stuff animals. She hated everything about the rich kids because they would always make a rude comment on some of the poor people. When they went to Mimi's house one day and they saw her with her friend that wasn't rich, they made a rude comment and Mimi went off on them like that. She said, "Why did you guys always have to be so dang snobby???" And she said some other mean stuff and then she just left the room dragging her friend with her. And when she started growing up she never made friends with rich people that much anymore but there are some rich friends she has but they aren't snobby.  



♔ Friends ♔

♔ Best Friend :

Donghae || 26 || Super Junior Member || He is loud and he loves to hang out with Mimi. 

Nana || 20 || After School Member || Nana is Mimi's best friend and she loves hanging out with Mimi because they would do stupid stuff around each other. Minho || 20 || SHINee Member || Minho is a boy version of Mimi. They do they same thing and they talk to each other a lot. 


Kyuhyun || 24 || Super Junior Member || Kyuhyun is one of Mimi's best friend. He helps her with singing and she helps him with dancing. 


♔ How Did You Met : Mimi meet Donghae and Kyuhyun when she went to one of her brother, Sungmin, concert. She went back stage to congragulate him on his first concert and he introduced her to the band. She meet Minho when they were trainee's. They would help each other on what they lack in. And Mimi meet Nana when she was young. Nana was her childhood best friend and they hang out in school a lot when they were young. 

♔ Friend  : 

Hyorin || 21 || Sistar Member || She is bubbly and cheerful all the time. 

Hyomin || 22 || T-ara Member || She loves to laugh and she laughs at anything funny. 

Leeteuk || 28 || Super Junior Member || He babies Mimi and he wishes Mimi was his younger sister.

♔ How Did You Met : She meet Leeteuk at Super Junior's first concert and she went back stage to congradulate her brother and her brother introduced her to them. She meet Hyorin when she went to a birthday party when she was young and they kept in touch as they grow up. She meet Hyomin at a mall and they had a lot in common and they became friends after that. 

♔ Favorite Hang-out : They love to hang out at her house or at a resturant so they can chat and catch up with everyone's lives so far. _____________________________________________________________________________

♔ Love ♔

♔ Lover Interest : 

Siwon || 25 || Super Junior Member

Hyunseung || 22 || Beast Member 

♔ Personality : They are sweet and kind and they love to help out people anyway they can. 

♔ How did You Met : She meet Siwon at Super Junior's first concert. She went back stage to congradulate her brother and her brother introduced her to the band. She meet Hyunseung at a party and he helped her up when she feel down and she admired him for that.  

♔ Ex-Boyfriend ? : none

♔ Why Did You two Break-up ? :

♔ Is he Single or Taken ? : 

♔ Boyfriend : Eunhyuk 

♔ Scene Request ? : Mimi had a bad day from practicing and Eunhyuk came over to cheer her up. They had a dance battle and Mimi won and the loser had to go buy ice cream for the winner. Eunhyuk only had enough money for one ice cream and they both shared it. When they were eating it, they accidently kissed and Mimi was about to pull away but Eunhyuk pulled her in closer. 


♔ During Traning ♔


♔ Traning Years : 2 years 

♔ How Did You Get in? : Audition 

♔ Previous Company/How many Years ? : None 

♔ Traning Life : It was difficult for Mimi at first because she had to deal with training and school at the same time. She would come to the traing late and she would always leave the trainging room late for how many minutes she missed. She had fun talking to the other trainee's and she made some friends there to. She loved her trainee's day because she learned a lot of new stuff that she never even knew before and she made friends. 



♔  Debut  ♔


♔ Stage Name : Mimi 

♔ Position : Sub-Vocalist/Main Dancer

♔ Persona : Aegyo Queen 

♔ Sing/Dance Links :  





♔ Rival :  Hyoyeon because Mimi didn't like why she was always bragging about Girl's Generation was better than all the other girl kpop groups. 

Uee because she was always braging about her acting skills to other people and Mimi didn't like the way she treated her. 

♔ Password : Shanghai Romance by Orange Caramel

Oh! by Girl's Generation

Breathe by Miss A 


♔ ENJOY ♔ 


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yes do you you??
Wow! -speechless- Can i ask a question do you like orange caramel