4WAYS Application ^^





Your Info

Username: tien1190 

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/57223



Character Basic Info

Full Name: Lee Mimi 
Nickname: Mini-Mi 
Age: 20
of Birth: Janury 29th, 1994 
Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea 
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea 
Ethencity (At least ½ Asian race) : Full Korean 
Height (cm) : 180 cm
Weight (kg) : 40 kg 


Stage Name: Mimi 

Solo Fan Club Name: MiLove

Suggestion on group fan club name: 4Ever, 4Love

Position (may change) [refer below [down down down down down]] : Lead rapper and Lead Dancer 

Persona: Aegyo Cutie 





Links: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/387940_312519188758566_166481386695681_1281690_385273398_n.jpg





Overall Style: Casual 

 Preferred clothing: She would wear anything that fits her. She hates clothing that doesn't fit her so she really doesn't care what she wears as long as it fits her. 



About You



Lee Kyung || 40 || Doctor || She has a good relations ship with her dad but he spoils her a lot. 
Lee Eun-Mi || 39 || Doctor || She has a good relationship with her mom but she  babies her too much.

Siblings (optional):




Family History: Her family was always rich because her dad was a famous doctor along with her mom. Mimi never acted like a spoiled rich kid but she got everything she wanted. She never acted like a rich kid around anyone because she hates the rich kids that she hangs around. They would never get down and dirty while Mimi would always have fun getting dirty. Her parents loves her very much because she is the only child and they adore her very much especially her dad. Her dad spoils her while her mimi babies her. She doesn't see her parents that much because they're always busy with their job but when she see them she would make it worth while. 



Languages: Korean, English, and Japanese 

Close Friends: Lee Sungmin and Kyuhyun from Super Junior, Sohee from Wonder Girls, and Taeyeon from Girl's Generation 
Enemies/Rivals: Seohyun
Personality: Mimi is a fun and happy girl. She will always have a smile on her face even if she is pissed or sad. She is lazy as heck and you would have to scream or threaten her if you want her to do something for you. She will do anything to get what she wants. She would threaten you if she has to but that is just to make you scared. She is outgoing and loves to party. She loves to party and she get's invited to every party from her friends because they say her immaturity and playfulness makes the party fun. She laughs at everything and anything funny. She laughs at any jokes and even the corny ones. She is very atheltic even though she is lazy as heck. She joins every team in school and tries her best to win every competition. She loves to talk with everyone. She doesn't care who she talks to as long as they talk to her back. She would talk to a stranger or even a lower social ranking then her because in her mind there is no such thing as a social ranking. Mimi has a very good temper but if you make a rude comment about one of her friends she would go off on you and  take all her anger out on you. She goes online a lot and she perfer Facebook over Twitter any day. 


-her laptop
-her I-Pod 
-her phone



-bitter candy
-sad people
-mean people
-being clumsy
-taking shots at the doctors 
-listening to music
-playing the piano 
-talking to people 

Love Interest: Eunhyuk

How both of you met [optional] : They meet at a SM concert. Mimi was walking and then someone bumped into her and she said, "Watch it!!!" because she had a bad day at training. Then she said sorry because that was mean and then she looked up at him. He just smiled at her and said, "It's ok." Then they meet each other again when 4WAYS was training in SM and she had to get the snacks for them and she meet him again. They said hi and then they started hanging out with each other. They found out that they have a lot in common. And after about 2 months of knowing each other, they started dating. 



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