Love makes you Stupid

I will be ranting ish and confessiong on this blog.


So yesterday was Senior ball--a dance for the senior or last year high school sctudents-- and it was amazing. Now most you you will be like, "It's its amazing then why is she ranting/confessing?"

Well as most of you who kept up with my love life on my other blogs, you will see that I like my best friend. He is an amazing friend to me and he means so much. 

I had confessed to him earlier on in the school year. I am a human being and therefore, i have feelings, too you know. Anyways i confessed and he never really said much back. Dont get me wrong, our friendship is still the same.

Most of you had given me different perspective to look at his response. To me, i feel like maybe it was just a one sided love, but the sad part was, he onced liked me too when we first meet in 7th grade (middle school). I dont know, it feels like  he just dont have the kind of feelings i do.

ANYWAYS, back to the point, on thrusday, i texted him about hw and then we end up talking about SR. Ball. A few months ahead, i asked him to be my date to the dance but he said he couldnt make it because he'll be out of town.

Junior year, i had also asked him to Prom and he couldnt go because his parents wouldnt let him and because he didnt have the money, but he promise that he will owe me a dance.

Senior year, Homecoming, we saw one another at the dance and we talked. He told me to wait for him and that he'll be back, BUT he never did. He was the one who left me hanging for 30 min, sitting there, looking like a retard. I was on the verge of tears, but my bff found out and barged into his group of dancing friends and force him to come back. I forgave him of course, but never forgotten about eing left behind.

Anyways, so he texted, "Hey i'll teach you how to dance at Sr Ball so look out for me, i'm coming." i swear he got my heart beat running away. (Super Bass) Even over through text, i blushed.

I waited for him, looked for him, and he never kept his promise. I saw him and i know he saw me, BUT he totally blew me off. One dance. That was all i wanted. One, and he couldnt even make it come true for my last dance of high school. I even walked by him a thousand times, BUT he still didnt even care.

That night, i sat down the rest of the night, depressed, angry, wanting to kill someone. You should never leave a girl hanging, you know what i mean. He stomped all over me again, as if, as if i wasnt even his best friend.

I hate him, and yet, i like him too much. I always forgive him no matter what. I helped him in anatomy when he needed and yet he doesnt see it.


Right now, i'm at the point where i just want to give up on Love and remind myself that love doesnt exist in this world. I once was the girl who was in love with the idea of being in love. I thought that knowing there will be THAT someone will be everything you need to survive. But, no. It's all just a joke. Nothing more.

So now, i'm mad as fudge at my best friend and my mood totally killed the rest of senior ball and today and i just want to murder someone. It's like i given him enough chances to make up for it, but it'll never be anything,

I basically giving up on Love. I just done with being hurt. Done with everything. I'm going into deep study by the time college starts anyways so i wont need a distraction. Double majors plus a minor will be hard but it's worth it. :)


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Woah, don't be sad ;((
Keep hwaiting he's not worth it. =)
At the end he will regret that he didn't take the chances.
kimchijan #2
OHMY GOD, you've got my tears,
he just a coward for leaving you hanging
but i guess yours isnt one sided love since he had/s feeling for you,
hope both of you can make up,
ps: i have unrequited feeling too, hoho, i never confessed and i sure for being one sided since we always passing by as we never knew each other, you're luckier than me,
just want you to know, don't give up, if fate has decided him for you, he'll come ;)
let all your tears out! *pats your back*

it's a good decision, though, if you want to let go of him.
bcs you won't be suffer too much again like the old days.
but giving up on love and thinking that love doesn't exist is a big no no. (lol)

you should believe that love does exist.
maybe he is not "the chosen one" to be your boyfriend or maybe... your future husband.
but then, when the time comes, you'll find your true love.
the one who'll maybe hurt you but his love will be sincere.
well, i do always believe that true love does exist.
and the one that we'll be waiting for will come later, not now.

so yeah, in my opinion, you can close your heart right now.
i mean not being fall in love again.
but when the right time comes, you have to open it again :]

iFlyInTheSky #4
*Eye twitches*
*Takes out shotgun, chopper, chainsaw, pistol, sniper, bat, some stick like thing and metal.. thingy?*

-- no but seriously umma, don't be like that... There's still so many years to go, i bet when you become a mommy, you'll be looking back at this and laughing. (WHILE THINKING OF ME! 8D LOL.) So, i'm here, currently yelling in the PUBLIC bus with my friends, cussing and not giving a about the stares, telling each other how much we hate that jerk. :> Were probably gonna get yelled at again but *Le shrugs*
See? So many comments below me, now don't sulk over this and make the best of today :3

DD: I can't read this right now...BUT I AM READING IT WHEN I FINISH UPDATING! :O I shall comfort you then!!! WAIT FOR MEEEE <3
omo, unni~
i wanna hit him hard right now! >0<"
but unni, pls dont give up on love ^ ^
im sure that you'll find someone true to your heart <3
unni, fighting!
~HikariNee (always here for you)
xiiong18 #7
Aww I feel dare he? Do you need me to beat him up unnie? He's such a !!! And don't give up love, it'll come sooner than you think, when you find your true one =)
Unnie, Unnie~
Don't give up- I know for certain it feels like love will never work out. But that's the thing- we keep moving forward.
And although it might not always be the ideal love you're looking for, it exist for everyone.
It comes in different packages, and so there's alot to learn and experience!
I love you Unnie(:
oh I wished, you had a grand time in your prom.
But, he did not care, and kept braking his word.

I'd say give him up, he is not worth it.
But, don't give up on love.
Someday, one day, someone, will come, who deserve you, because you are worth loving, and you deserved to be loved.
coercion #10
...LOL. Jerk much?
Um. ANYWAYS. If he was your bestfriend, he wouldn't do that to you.
Are you sure he saw you though? Maybe you dressed up too much & he didn't recognize you? ;D
If that was my best friend, I would of killer him no matter how much I like him. Hehe ^^
AlmightyLena #11
Don't give love up. Give up on trying to love him, he doesn't deserve any love, and you don't deserve to have your senior prom ruined by that . I want to ing hit him. He's an . I understand how you feel. So please try to understand why you're going to see that he's been shot by a Caroline on the news tomorrow mornign >:(
He is a jerk. I can understand why your going to give up on love but, don't give on it fully okay?
Umm I can hit him right?!
I don't like when guys are like that at all it's a no no.
Also also you will love again, just got to wait.
Again if he loses you then he is a dumb dumb and numb. Mwuahahahah.
Carrying on seriously I would have knocked his head at least and talk to him no matter what.
dont worry that happens in some point in a girls life