why am I awake?

Another boring for me today.. sheesh..

Well basically, I was supposed to brainstorm for ideas but I got lazy and my co author forgot to come online so yeah whatever.

Omg i nid to stop being lazy.. haiz.. you guys needa forgive me.. My health hasn't been in it's best condition these few days and I've been feeling dizzy every now and then.

ANd I puke sometimes.. And no, before you ask, I am not pregnant.

so yeah basically, today was okay, no relapses, just me, the korean class and the teacher and classmates :\ -shrugs- I guess I'm doing quite well in Korean because everyone around me seems to be asking me and whoever has me in their group seems to be exceptionally happy.

ah whatever :\ anyways, I'm gonna be ordering Jessica's dvd~ and photobook if there's any ^^

I really hope there is because if there isn't I'll cry .__.

now I'm trying to find a snsd mousepad or a mousepad of tiffany or jessica xD

and also i'm waiting for my $2000 cheque to be banked in to my account so that I can go buy me a good laptop. once i get a good laptop I'll be in the mood to update again~ :3

Anyways, I'll be releasing my other fic "Catch me, I'm Falling".. should I change the title? >_>

Anyway, I'll be releasing that first since that one would probably be easier to plan and I would have an easier time planning out and writing out a "Normal" fic instead of a stupidly complicated action/fantasy fic.

trust me.. they aint easy >_> I know NOR is starting to get draggy so I'll try to quicken the pace..

but somehow readers still like it.. but I hope more people comment coz I love comments >< comments are like  energy bars for me.. And I still don't understand how a small energy bar is supposed to give you energy.. Oh what I'll sleep over it..


Time out!


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