New.. New... New!!

Hey guys, guess what?

I'm making another new story!!!

Yeah, I know... It's bad to keep making new stories when my current ones are still ongoing. But ya know, I watch movies, videos.. read books, play new games,etc. And I get ideas from doing these things. And if there is an idea, my brain tends to make up new stories.


First thing I would do is think up of the beginning of the story and then, the ending. If I feel that the story sounds nice or good, I start writing it. I'm still doing the prologue and I don't know how to name the story.

You know what? I'll think about the name later and just put down Untitled first. I tend to write the story veeeeeery slow after I've given a name for it.


Secondly, I've been online for hours now. I had to re-read "A New Legend" ALOT of times and had to edit it everytime i see corrections that i need to fix. I haven't finish yet but I'm starting to get tired and I'm thinking of going to bed now.


Lastly, I've also been online for hours becuz I've been finding pictures that would fit perfectly for my stories. I was thinking of putting it as my main pic now, but I still need to edit some stuffs in the pic and it's NOT easy! Cuz I'm still a beginner. I'll try to finish it up tomorrow...

NO GUARANTEES! Wednesdays is a very busy day for me in school. I stay until 3-5pm and when I get back home, and I'm always tired.

Not to mention, I have tuition at 7:30-9:30pm after that! But lucky for me, this week there's no tuition on Wednesday... So, hurray! But I still have school! Booo..... Anyways, I'll try :)


Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading my blog and have a nice day!! ^^


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