Awww. Ice Cream. ^^

Two of my closest friends, David and Jessica, stopped by my house while they were on their date. I answered the door and they were all smilley then they shoved this bag with a small bucket of ice cream in it in my hand.

I was like, "huh???" They told me since they knew I was still kind of sick, while they were at the store, they saw strawberry ice cream and they thought of me. x) I started laughing cause they looked so cute when they told me. I was like, AWWWWWWWW ;___; you guys.

Then they had to leave because Jessica had to go home. Gosh. I love them. <3 XD Jessica, David, when I get over being sick, I WILL TREAT YOU GUYS TO A FREAKIN BUFFET FOR THAT ICE CREAM, GOT IT?! XD


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Hmmm... *starts thinking* Your favorite ice cream: Strawberry.


... MINE TOO!!!