• You exclaim that they look so different from one another when your friends say they all look-alike.
  • When you can sing to all their songs in korean and know whose singing that part 
  • You get jealous of  SNSD..
  • You’ve watched all their movies/shows
  • You scour YouTube for any videos of them
  • You can read/write their names in Hangul.
  • You see a butterfly, shrimp, or whale, and think of Heechul and Eunhyuk-oppa (Intimate Note)
  • Your computer desktop/handphone/psp wallpapers are all Super Junior’s.
  • You relate EVERYTHING with them: numbers, favorite colors, birthday…etc
  • You deleted all songs other than Super Junior’s in your mp3.
  • You’ve influenced more than 3 people or more to like them too.
  • You think teukie is the best leader ever.(agree)
  • You’ve laughed in public places remembering something that happened on a Show they were on.
  • Vote and vote and vote and vote for their songs even it’s just a local radio chart
  • When all you have to do is think of them and your mood will instantly get better! 


  • Consider “13″ ur lucky number
  • Screaming crazily out of lungs whenever you see them on TV, magazine…
  • ELF is no longer just a word to you…
  • You have a wall in your room covered with Suju pics O_O
  • You know each of their even their english names despite others saying there are just too many of them.
  • You watch TV (esp. Korean & music channels) , hoping they will pop out somewhere.
  • You regularly visit websites that provide ‘translation’ to their Cyworld & information about their most recent activities.
  • You have watched SuJu’s ‘A Walk to Remember’ in YouTube and cried your heart out.
  • You cry the moment Donghae’s father is mentioned.
  • Hard to choose who you like the most
  • When you imagine yourself being with them even for a day. [Admit it.]
  • When you bash on SuJu-haters.
  • When you’re doing nothing and start giggling when you think of any funny moment from SuJu talk shows. (I do this frequently)
  • When you think that being a maid in their dorm is good enough for you.  (if that’s the only way to be with them)
  • You save your allowance just to buy SUJU stuffs..(im doing this)
  • Pray to bring Eeteuk’s dimple back (He used to seriously talking ’bout this…and it came back as ELFs’ wish ♥)
  • You write down their names in Hangul over and over until you get them perfect.
  • When you saw Sweet Pumpkin, first thing in your mind is “Sungmin Oppa♥”
  • You drink soda and think of when Kangin spit the soda in Sungmin’s face in Intimate Note OR when Eunhyuk and several other members had to drink 500cc of soda and then burp (Unbelievable Outing)
  • You see a flower and imagine Yesung’s face in the middle (Unbelievable Outing)
  • You see pink and immediately think of Sungmin-oppa.
  • You hear the word “prince” in a story and instinctively think of Kyuhyun
  • When go to the zoo, u resemble the animals there to each member unknowingly and instinctively and laugh quietly for yourself, ”That monkey is not as cute as my Hyukjae” =))
  • When you spend almost 24/7 just by thinking about them.
  • When you saw someone who has a dimple, you remember leeteuk.
  • Even you’re not Korean and you don’t understand their songs, you would listen to their songs again and again & became in love with in even thought you don’t know what it mean.
  • Start singing their songs when you’re at the karaoke with your friends, even though there’s no such song on the playlist.
  • You replay certain parts of their music videos just to see your favorite member look at the camera.(i do this frequently)
  • You hear the word “sorry” and rub your hands together.
  • You’re thinking of them just before you sleep..and you cant sleep anymore 


  • You’re watching TV esp of SJ on YouTube even if you don’t understand anything and there’s no subs.
  • You imitate them…
  • You favorite everything that they’re in.
  • You’re learning everything Korean now because of them.
  • When you compair their birthdays to your birthday to see who you get.
  • Super Junior has become part of your life and has seriously CHANGED your life and you feel like you’ve become better person.
  • When you are obsessed with ALL their songs.
  • When you are in love at least with one of them.
  • When you always one of their songs in your head.x)
  • Wanted to arm wrestle with someone so you could try to see if you could win by spinning around like they did on EHB.
  • You can’t complete a day without finding news about them.
  • When you like the ‘couple-thing’.
  • When you dream of them.(almost everyday)
  • When you try to make fanfictions and stuff about them 
  • When you imagine yourself marrying with one of them or all of them (Sometimes… XD!)
  • When you heard “SUPER JUNIOR♥” on tv or anywhere, you would run to see them.(agree agree)
  • Yeah when you want to go to a college that teaches Korean even if it has nothing to do with your major.
  • You started to call them “oppa” or cute names instead of their original names like; Sungminnie♥!!(: Eunhyukie♥!!
  • when your friends don’t know anything about suju , you talk about them over and over again until all your friends know all of them..
  • You feel sad when you hear people talking bad about suju.
  • You never got tired talking about them, watching their videos or thinking about all the funny things they did in their shows even if  its late at night..
  • See any one of suju oppa on tv and you’ll scream while jumping onto the sofa with your eyes stucked into the tv!
  • When your friends likes/talks other bands, you’ll think/say : ” i think suju is better”…
  • You couldn’t stop yourself from buying as many suju’s mechandise as you could!
  • If u want to go to korea right now!”
  • When you hangs suju’s big picture in your room.
  • You knows when and where the suju will do a concert show.
  • You know you’re a Super Junior fan when you see one of the members cry, you’re also going to cry or you feel like you’re experiencing the same situation.
  • When you compair their birthdays to your birthday to see who you get.
  • When you watch their shows and just sigh and say,”That’s my boy!”
  • You’ve been called short, you quickly go “I’m long!” (as said by the shoelift wearing Eunhyukie in Full House XD)
  • You know you’re a Super Junior fan when you see one of the members cry, you’re also going to cry or you feel like you’re experiencing the same situation.
  • When you know all of the suju member’s birthdays and celebrate on those days.
  • When you bring your Ipod everywhere just because you never know when you’ll want to listen to their song or watch one of their vids…
  • When you have to buy an external hard-drive because you already used up all the memory on your computer by downloading all their videos of shows, performances, etc.
  • When you randomly use Korean words in English convos just because you heard them say it…
  • When you’ve looked up your Korean name to compare with the boys’…
  • When you spend $200 on an autographed CD!
  • You get jealous when your friend have the thing that you don’t have [<——]suju stuff
  • When u cried every night cause of them wishing u’ll meet them one day.
  • When u talk every second about them. 
  • When u decide to go study abroad at Korea.
  • Remember all their names,birthday and voice
  • your heart beat so fast when you see them or hear their song on TV
  • Try to memorize all their songs (hangul lyric)
  • You want to go to their concert badly!!!
  • Shout or Scream when you see them in TV
  • Make photo albums of SuJu members.
  • Can’t stop talking about SuJu with another SuJu addict.
  • When you find all of them so cute!!!
  • You always sing their songs even if the lyrics were wrong and you don’t understand it.
  • Memorize some of their dance steps
  • If you are updated with the things happening to Super Junior!
  • You are a fan of super junior in any social network like Facebook.
  • You have a shirt that has “i love super junior ” print.
  • You have reacted the same way in one of the following situations. Or at least know what these are quoting.
  • Friend: You accidentally hurt somebody.
  • You:  Sorry!… sorry sorry sorry sorry….
  • Friend: Do you want to go to suju’s concert
  • You: I doooo!
  • When, every time you see a fish you either.
  • a.Think of Donghae’s nick name of fishy..
  • b. think of Eunhyuk being called anchovy
  • c. “Oh beautiful! Look a fish!”



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