Lilac's Christmas

            Snow covers the ground and fills the cold, winter air of Seoul. The girls sit inside their dorm wrapped in blankets and warm clothes. The girls had managed to buy a small Christmas tree (thanks to Vizio and Bae Kyon’s money situations) and decorate the door accordingly. The living room has been turned into a very homey environment and the girls love it; missing their families but celebrating the fact they are all together.

            “It is 8 p.m.,” Yoo Sawng sighs, looking down at her mug of hot chocolate. The camera crew focused in on Yoo Sawng. “Before we open gifts, how about we discuss our wishes for next year and I want to express my thankfulness to you girls.”

            “That’s sounds like a good idea,” Bae Kyon nods at the idea, smiling warmly towards the elder girl. She hugs her blanket closer to her body and snuggles into the couch.

            “We’ve known each other for a very short amount of time. Most groups train together for years before debut, but our company decided to put us together just months before our debut. At first, I was very hesitant with all of you – unsure of your personalities and how you would all treat me. Looking back, I wish I would’ve presented myself in a way not so cold, but more welcoming. You girls have become my best friends, my group mates…” Yoo Sawng looks at each girl and smiles softly, “and most importantly: my sister.”

            The camera focuses in on Bae Kyon and S.Me, who are both wiping their eyes and smiling. Chaerin grins back at Yoo Sawng, hugging her stuffed elephant tight. EunMi pats Yoo Sawng’s back, trying to comfort her and reassure her that she feels the same way.

            “When I first met you five,” Chaerin begins, “I was excited and I know I was too upfront and too selfish with everything. I apologize for that, I do. Through these past couple months – with our hard training, sleepless nights, music video filming, and long hours at the photoshoot – I’ve became close to all of you. I’ve learned what everyone likes, dislikes, and how you all act. I know how to get on your nerves,” she, along with the others chuckle at this, “and I’ve learned how to cheer you five up. You are all like my older sisters and I’m glad I’m in Lilac with you all. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

            Vizio, who is sitting by Chaerin, hugs her tight and nods her head against her, agreeing. Yoo Sawng smiles and takes a sip of her hot chocolate. S.Me hands Bae Kyon a tissue, receiving a ‘thank you’ afterwards.

            “I hope in 2012 that we have a successful debut, we stay close, and that nothing ever tears us apart!” EunMi announces, raising her mug of hot chocolate high in the air above her head. “Lilac fighting?”

            “Lilac fighting!” the girls cheer, raising their glasses in the air and smiling wide.

            “Now, let’s open gifts!” S.Me says, standing up and walking over to the gifts beside the small, fake tree. She grabs the first package: a medium sized package with red wrapping and a white bow on top.

            “Here you go, Bae Kyonnie~!” S.Me hands her the package, grinning. “It is from Vizio unnie.”

            Bae Kyon bows her head to Vizio, “Thank you, Unnie!”

            S.Me starts handing out the rest of the gifts to each girl, smiling. After she finishes handing out the gifts, she sits on the floor beside her gifts. She starts unwrapping hers, grinning.

            “I know my gifts weren’t much, but I hope you like them,” Yoo Sawng says to the girls, hugging one of her gifts. The girls chuckles and nods each one either stating ‘I love it!’ or ‘It’s a great gift!’

            “We’re all close with big idols, but seriously, I love 2NE1!” Chaerin tells her, smiling wide and hugging her autographed 2NE1 CD, t-shirt, and glow stick.

            “And you know I look up to IU-ssi,” Bae Kyon tells her, holding her autographed CD and teddy bear.

            “Are my gifts alright?” EunMi asks the girls. “You know I’m not really…good at picking out girly stuff.”

            “It’s DOMO!” S.Me says, shoving the DOMO plushie in EunMi’s face. “It’s freaking awesome!”

            “You did a good job,” Yoo Sawng gives EunMi a side hug, smiling warmly at her. EunMi gave Yoo Sawng a video game (a brand new zombie-type one) and a new editing software program. EunMi sticks her tongue out at Yoo Sawng, “Your gift was easy to get! So, you have nothing to say.”

            “Thanks everyone!” Chaerin announces, smiling wide.

            “Thanks everyone!” S.Me repeats Chaerin.

            “Thank you!” Bae Kyon says as loud as she can, earning a few chuckles.

            Thank you, dudettes!” Vizio yells, throwing her arms in the air.

            “Thank you all!” EunMi joins in.

            “Thank you and goodnight everybody!” Yoo Sawng says aloud, smiling wide. The girls start laughing and continue to show their gifts to the camera. The girls laugh and chat amongst themselves, forgetting their worries for their future schedules of the upcoming week: Star King and Pops in Seoul.

            “Such a busy Christmas,” Bae Kyon says quietly and leans back on the couch, closing her eyes. But I’m glad I spent it with Lilac.



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This could have been a real chapter ^^
Multipersonality #2
Dawwhh that is just really cute <333
Hmm, is it too much to ask for a Valentine's Day one? lol jk jk. Unless you take me seriously then I'll be just as happy to read it!
I almost cried because I was so touched at this moment. It reminded me of my Christmas. My friends and I celebrated it almost like this but it was by far our most memorable Christmas together =)
RadiantBelle #3
Awwhh, that's so cute~ I really loved it! So precious <3