I feel like creating a two-shot YeWook FanFic [;


I really feel like making one,
Since I had an idea that was supposed to be for a play, but that idea turned into something perfect for a fanfic.
I'm not sure if I should post it here actually, because it's just something random that I thought of..
So I may or may not post it here in AFF, I just might keep the idea somewhere in my desktop's folders!
But you never know, I may post it here..
But anyways, 
Here is an extract of the two-shot that I might be posting [;
"B-Bwoh?! You kissed him? Are you insane?!"
Shindong hissed with an expression that was plastered onto his face,
The face he made made my own face red as the shirt I was wearing.
"Y-Yeah.. Well, I was drunk and all.. So I didn't know what I was doing then.. 
I said carefully, trying to make him buy it.
Well, the truth is that I was hardly drunk, I just had a glass of soju.
So it meant that I was still wide awake at that moment I kissed him. 
But I had to lie to Shindong, or else he'll think that I'm gay or something.
'Well, you still kissed him!" 
He stated, and with that, my face heated up even more than it already was before.
'I-I.. Just stop rubbing it in!"
I hissed at Shindong, who just laughed slightly before standing up to leave the room.
"You know, You seem to be too affected. Don't you think so?"
He said as he opened the door to leave, but only to be stopped by a petite small male blocking the exit.
"A-Anyeong Hyung! Why were you here? Did you needed something?"
The petite male asked, but Shindong just shook his head in response.
"I just needed to talk with your romemate there Ryeowook! But I have to go now, see you later!"
Shindong said before leaving the room, leaving Ryeowook and I in comfortable silence until Ryeowook spoke up.
"Hyung~ Are you alright? Your face is red!"
Ryeowook said as he approached me, and sat at the end of my bed.
"A-Ah.. No.. I'm.. It's just that, it's a little hot in here.."
Keke xD 
My first fanfic is almost complete!
I just don't know if I should upload it here..
Aigo.. I need opinions!
I really don't know what to do, I feel like throwing a tantrum!


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I've posted it, but I won't be going for a two-shot anymore~~
You should post it~ It'll be better than mine XD mainly because I haven't updated in weeks XD oops... but go for it~
Fighting~ ^^
Oh yeah, I posted it already, but the 1st chapter won't be out so soon yet..
Aigo, Thank you xD
I'm just finishing it, and I may post it here!
I think that you should post it! from what ive read it sounds really interessting and i know theres lots of yewook lovers out there who would appreciate you contributing this to AFF! ;)
Does the ending of the extract I took seemed like to you guys xD? For me it does!
i looooove it i want to
I may or may not do it.
Who knows,
Maybe I will.. or will not *^^*
But I hope I would~
-Tiffanyy- #10
OH YES! You most definitely should write about YeWook! The extract is great! And I'm sure many people will read it! Of course, I would want it to be longer and have a sequel… (greedy me! ><) But I will definitely read it and love it!