Vanity X - cutscenes

The stuff here is just scenes for Vanity chapter ten I deleted because it was stupid, pointless or horid to put in.

The original scene two.

Youngjae was curled up on the sofa in Sungyeol’s room, the werewolf still sleeping off the events from that day as the wolf shifter continued to watch over his friend. In his wolf form, the shifter was far warmer than in his human form, the night time weather below zero and Sungyeol’s room had no heater unlike his own room.

A little shiver went down Youngjae’s spin, the wolf shaking out his thick white fur before repositioning himself by the square pillows and letting his eyes shut as he wished for sleep to come. He was far too tired to do much else other than sleep.

At some stage of the early hours of the morning, Sungyeol had woken up feeling groggy and noticed the wolf asleep on the sofa, fur brisling in an attempt to keep himself warm. The werewolf had smiled gently, knowing he definitely had a true friend in Youngjae as he found the spare blanket and covered the wolf’s body. After tucking the blanket neatly around Youngjae’s form, Sungyeol left the room; his destination was the large cafeteria on the ground floor which was always open for students wanting to use the kitchen.

He inspected the cupboards around the large room and found all the ingredients he needed for a stew, putting some rice on to cook as he prepared and served the stew in two bowls, quickly cleaning up his mess and returning to his room nearly two hours after he originally left.

The bedside clock read five in the morning and as if running on clockwork, Youngjae’s eyes opened as he reverted into his human form, a yawn covering his face before blinking the early morning sunrise from his vision.

“Morning.” Sungyeol greeted, handing the shifter a bowl of food and utensils. “You should eat.” He said, Youngjae’s stomach growling at the scent of the food.

“Did you make this?” He asked, stirring the rice in with the soup base before taking a huge mouthful and groaning at the delicious taste. Sungyeol nodded, plopping into place beside the eating shifter on the couch and watched the younger boy devour his food hungrily.

“When did you last eat?” The werewolf asked, Youngjae having to swallow his mouthful of food before replying.

“Not yesterday but the day before at dinner.” His head jerked forward when Sungyeol head slapped him, a scolding look on the werewolf’s face.

“Idiot. You can’t go missing meals like that.” He remarked, Youngjae looking at his friend before smiling. Sungyeol was surprised to see the younger smile, the action catching onto him as he felt his lips curl into a smile as well.

“That’s better.” The wolf commented, poking Sungyeol’s face with his spoon, leaving some soup base there.

A second attempt at scene two.

A tickling sensation awoke all of Junhong’s senses as the boy’s eyes shot open, his wire whip instantly in his hand as he poised ready to use it if needed before coming eye to eye with a wide eyed Jongup. He could feel panic fill him as he realised it was Jongup’s emotions flowing through him, Junhong dropping the hunter weapon to hold the empath tightly.

“You have to stop waking me like that hyung.” Junhong whispered, the empath remaining silent as the younger boy held him.

Scene two cut (section from the scene that's been cut).

Daehyun smiling a little before asking his main question he’s been dying to know. “How did you know about branding? I spoke to Himchan and he told me a little about vampire history including the information on how unless branded, no one knows it exists. So how did you know?”

Youngjae fidgeted about a little in Daehyun’s hold, having a feeling the vampire was going to ask something like that first.

“My clan often observed vampires, with us being at risk of an attack from a few more hostile groups of your sort. There were a few occasions where my father would go out alone to observe, bringing back what he had learnt to the rest of our clan. One time he was gone for six days, both myself and my mother panicking that he had been ambushed by a group of hunters or vampires but he re the seventh day with puncture marks in his neck. We learnt that a vampire had tried to kill him but ended up being drawn to him instead, unable to drink him dry. It was then we learnt about branding. My mother left him after that, taking me with her.”

“Then you were sent here?” Youngjae nodded.


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junhuidu #1
Do hunters have any special abilities or clairvoyance or anything?
All these deserve to be in the chapter! Especially the JongLo awww. I have a question, please answer in next chapter's replies~ what are hunters and what do they hunt? vampires only or werewolves too?
turtlejusz #3
OmO. Its nOt stUpid parts. Its cUte ^^ i like the junhoNgxjongup scene. Hehe
turtlejusz #4
OmO. Its nOt stUpid parts. Its cUte ^^ i live the junhoNgxjongup scene. Hehe
how can you say this is stupid?!?!!?! -fuming- i love all the scenes! but god y zelo xDD i can't get used to reading about him topping xD
plus, i think the last cut scene the best <3