OMFG! I just got accepted into the porfolio prep arts in my school! I mean that program is loke UBER hard to get into! Here's what they wrote:

Dear ~~~~~~~ ~~~~, (My name out cuz I can't show it to you guys)

We thank you for submitting your porfolio for review. At this time, the committe has foun that you still need to refine some of your work in order to be aligible to be identifies as G/T. Some suggestions include adding shading to your drawings, drawing more items from direct observation, and including some of your most recent work from art class.

The committe does feel that you have talent in art and the ability to work at a more rigorous level. Therefore, you should have received a schedule for next year which lists you in Porfolio Prep instead of Standard Art.
The porfolio Preperation class is taugt at the G/T level and successful completion of it allows all students to be then be automaticly moved into G/T program in the next year of art. Please know that you can also continue to work on your pofolio this year and resubmit it.


(Weird signeture)
Sam ~~~~~~~~- Art Dept. Chairman

EEEEEPPPP! Also, my language arts teachure says my wrighting is so good I might get a scollarship for it in collage! d(>0<)b

I am like sooooooooooo happy right now.

*Friend walks in*

"Hey! Look what I found." *Shows Saku/Lee, Saku/Akatsuki*

Me:* slaps* Why did you do that!?"

Friend:"'Cuz I can!" *Runs away laughing*

Me: Whatever. I'm still SUUUUUUPPPPEEERRRRR HAPPY! *Barfs rainbows* That's how happy >:3



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AWESOME!!! Congrats, girl!!!! \(^0^)/ You're super talented and don't ever forget that!~~
-barfs out rainbows-