New Stories, New Ideas [Subscribers, Read? :3]

*Ahem* So I'm not sure if anybody will be reading this but...I just wanted to write this anyway >.<

I'm aware that it's pretty impossible for me to update EVERY day, due to the fact that I don't always sit on my all day typing up new chapters and instead being busy with other important stuff and what not. 3
Although, I am currently working up some new materials for a few stories (one shots, even?) and I will soon present them because if I don't, I will explode from extreme anxiousness.

And, it's pretty much going to be mainly about Teen Top members. Lol. I am such an Angel. A proud one though.
But yeah, just wanted to let you guys know.

Lately, I've been being paranoid with myself and overthinking things about my first story.
I originally wanted to create something original, and yet I've come up with an arranged marriage. Hmm...

I hope the creative part of my mind will kick in soon. I'm all up for originality.

Yet, I will still try my best to update 'We Got 'Engaged''. I've cooked up some interesting yet evil little ideas for my following chapters :3

Oh, and P.S. ....
I am terribly sorry for the cliffhanger for chapter 34. T_____T
Okay, I'll be honest... I had a performance to do that day, and I was quickly running out of time. Usually one chapter would take me FOREVER especially since I like to review over it again and again (perfectionist?) and I wanted to write some more about something that will spice up the chapter; but unfortunately, I had to go get ready for the performance and I barely just made it on time. I hope everyone can understand >_<;
I will just place the ideas I had into chapter 35.
But I will assure you that there'll be no more cliffhangers unless I have another serious situation colliding within creating my chapter.

P.P.S.! I'm already very pleased with my 70 subscribers ^_^ Thank you all for being patient with me and reading my story <3 
I hope to gain more interest from many more readers out there~

I don't sound too desperate, do I? 

I will be going to bed now since it's getting late!

heartLove, Divinity ~



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