My 6 year old brother likes SHINee, MBLAQ, and lately Block B

one day i wa just listening to music like a normal day my little brother walks near me and starts asking what is that and i tell him kpop and thats SHINee and he asks what song is it, and i say ring ding dong. i replayed that video so many times he was singing and trying to dance to it too. and when MBLAQ's Its War MV it was like my 5th time watching my brother walks up to my laptop and ask who are they. and i tell him MBLAQ and he was watching the MV with me once it got near Joon's scene getting shot i gasped and he says 'WHAT?' i told him watch. when he sees joon getting shot...he cried. i was like 'alan why are you crying?' he said 'because he died' i got in trouble by my mom because of that XD. when Block B's Nalina came out with the dance video he walked into my room and i told to try dancing to it. he did and then i asked him you like the song and if they sounded cool he said yes! so i made my brother a A+, a Shawol, and a BBC T_____T


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Ai_Dami: haha. how???? XP BBC when i see a news network BBC news i imediately think of Block B!!!.
LOL :D.... Your bro is more normal than mine. My brother (8yo) watches It's War, and goes, "Wuah! That gun is so cool!" Replay, "This is for girls!" Block B, "The songs so cooL!.. They look like gorillas! *roflao*" /facepalm
^O^ I still find BBC funny. British Broadcasting Company? :P

... is good to have kpop loving sibling :)