Recommended Cpop Star 2 - Cheer Chen

If any of you enjoys listening to sweet voices, I would totally recommend you to listen to Cheer Chen. She is till now, my no. 1 female idol. And guess what, she is 37 years old this year!!!! But she still look like a teenager O.o



She is the most amazing (and beautiful) person I have ever seen! Her voice has something special in it. It makes you fall into her charms really easily. And when she strums her guitar and starts singing... I lost my soul. Her fans like to describe her voice like the voice of a fairy. I would totally agree to it >///<

But then again, some of her lyrics were kind of like arrows and daggers. So, some people might be quite taken aback by how direct she is in some of her songs. Hehe. It just create a contradiction with her sweet voice.


(Note: I love that guitar she was holding and it was from Gibson. It has butterflies and leaves crafted on it. It cost SGD4000+!!! LIKE OMG!)


Anyway, back to Cheer. She was kind of an indie singer and in her earlier days, she would perform at the streets and sell the CD which she burned herself. She once said that she was envious of those singer who could sing so powerfully, but her voice was more towards the softer side.


She composes her own songs and lyrics. And her lyrics are kind of weird. It sometimes sounded as if you need to read between the lines to get what she meant, but sometimes, it was just that simple. In another words, she is a mysterious person.


Since I cannot find any translated lyrics for her songs, I'll just translate a few of my personal faves myself. Sorry if my English translation sux :X


1) Self


[Verse 1]

A few times I regretted and bury the devil of arrogance

But the feeling was as if I destroyed the good self

A few times my vulnerableness concealed my unwilling weakness

(This is me)


As a matter of fact, I don't particularly desire permanence

Actually, I also can't stay loyal to a single feeling

Still and Addicted, The silent extinction




It's me who refused your 'already-sober' eyes

It's me who summoned the hallucinations in your eyes

Just let me break all the whispers of promises with all my strength

And embrace the moment


It's me who used the truth to make up lies

And it's also me who used fragments to speculate this world

Just let me respond to your wild disorders

Hypocritical moment


It's me...



Explanation: Mainly this song kind of repeats itself with similar words for the next part. But the melody was really nice. From what I think, this song has a bit of rebellious feeling in it. But Cheer's voice made it sounded like a sweet song at the verse before chorus. The song mainly describe herself as a person who is not what she looks like on the outside. I don't really know how to put it into words, but its like telling you that 'You might think that I'm a angel, but I'm actually a devil at times, tricking you.' Super interesting lyrics, I think. Especially when she sing with the voice like an angel, you really feel the mood of the song.


2) Lying in Your Closet


[Verse 1]

Your sweater followed me home

I placed it in my room

It once accompanied you walking across a few streets

It once accompanied you drinking a few cups of cold coffee

Accompanied you emigrate, taking pictures as souvenirs

And it once laid quietly in your closet


[Verse 2]

Your sweater followed me home

I placed it in my room

It has just covered over my winter

It's going prick my most sensitive love hallucinations


Accompanied you emigrate, taking pictures as souvenirs

When the weather's hot,  it laid quietly in your closet


My winter is going to come

My winter is going to come


[Verse 3] 

Your body followed me home

I placed it in my room

To whom did you once momentarily lent it to?

It is now lying quietly in my closet

When the weather's hot, it laid quietly in my closet


Explanation: This song is comparing your lover as a sweater. At the first 2 verse, Cheer is not very direct in her lyrics. She is trying to portray of her thoughts on her lover's sweater. It was as if owning something which belongs to the person you loved. And just having that item, it brings out all the hallucinations of that person when he uses that item. An interesting part would be the last verse when she became more directly hinting that it was a person that she meant. She started thinking the past of this man, how many women did he have in the past. 


Interesting right?

I always love to analyse her lyrics like a puzzle. I guess different people have different thoughts when it comes to her songs. But she is really one of the most amazing females I have ever seen. 


Oh, and in the Self MV, she was already 33 years old. LOL. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!?!?!


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