Recommended Cpop Band 1 - Mayday

I wondered if any of you listened to any Cpop songs.

Before I went into Kpop, I was a fan of Cpop songs. Till now, I still think that some songs will remain as legend to my life :)

Chinese sounded really weird for those who don't know, but every word in the songs had a very deep meaning. Some even teaches valuable lessons to a person's life. I guessed Cpop was the reason why I loved music.


So, if any of you are interested in knowing another genre of music, I think I will be sharing some really nice songs here.


The first Cpop group which I recommend you all to check them out would be, Mayday (五月天)

I hope most of you know who are they since this rock band existed for more than a decade. OTL

They are a really really talented and amazing band with the best touching lyrics in all the Cpop songs I've heard. Almost all their songs were really beautiful and about life! It talks about peace, freedom, friendship, dreams and also love.

It mainly consist of 5 members: (leader & lead singer) Ashin, (Lead guitarist 1) Monster; (Lead guitarist 2) Stone; (Bass) Masa; (Drum) Guanyou.


All of the members had participated in almost everything in their music. Ashin was one of the most amazing guy because he wrote every lyrics in every Mayday's song. All the lyrics were art. He is mad talented, I swear.... He can write a song within 10 minutes.... Like WTF. I love this man!


I feel sad because there are very little translation for their songs. Which is really sad because such beautiful lyrics and words should be shared to the word. Their songs really give you courage to go for your dreams :)


Their best album (I think) would be the album named 'Born to Love'

It has the best lyrics and the most grand feeling out of all the other albums from Mayday. The concepts mainly revolves around different kinds of love. Love for dreams; love for friends or even love between lovers :)

Actually, I love all the songs in that album ><

But I'll recommend 2 in this post.

You can click the title to check out the link to their song ^^


1) 香水  Perfume 

[Verse 1]

The Crusaders return from the East triumphantly, appear in the most beautiful poems
Your magic, love’s hegemony, to serve you, to defend you
In order to thoroughly describe your beauty, intensely sacrifice ten thousand roses
Then use devotion, carefully refined, to make love’s ocean kiss behind your ear


La la la la la  If you want the world  

la la la la la then I’ll give you the world

La la la la la  perception runs wild

la la la la la reason is completely extinguished

La la la la la  you are the chaotic world’s most beautiful perfume


For you, deeply worshiping, deeply infatuated, deeply addicted
Deeply falling for a kind of fragrant lunacy

For you, deeply worshiping, deeply infatuated, deeply addicted
deeply falling for a kind of philosophy of offering tribute
Offering up happiness, offering up misery, offering up myself, offering up the world

[Verse 2]

On the banks of the Seine River, a bustling city and chimney smoke, mingling humanity, ignorance
Your appearance, revised the atmosphere, transformed the air, a holy feeling
Green apples are your savage sweetness, milk and honey are your language
Silence especially is a kind of enchantment, when you heartlessly, softly refuse



Horse hooves flatten the national borders, greed wears a hole in a shawl
Mobilize Muggles, the Lord of the Rings to search for and  piece together your fragrance
Cherries and cherry blossoms touching, jasmine and myrrh pressed together
A chanson and the Champs-Elysees blended together, perhaps adding a few tears
Even if you don’t make promises, even if you also don’t refuse
Even if I’ve never planned on they whole body fleeing, the whole body retreating
Just let me live until I’ve been derailed, let me long until I’ve gone over the brink
Just let me live for love, a thousand centuries continuously reincarnated
For you offering up happiness and misery, for you offering up my world


Explanation: From what I know, this song is mainly about a king or a royalty who fell deeply in love with a girl. Ashin described the girl as a perfume so mainly, it meant that the girl is as addicting as a special kind of perfume. And this royalty is willing to give up everything for this girl, and he is willing to go to the end of the world for her. The best part of these whole song was in the 1st verse. He said that in order to describe the beauty of this girl he loved, he is willing to sacrifices 10,000 roses to create the scent in her. (Sweet isn't it? <3)



2) 摩托車日記   Motorcycle Diary

[Verse 1]


Crossing South America, 12,000 miles of poverty
I ride, outrageously arrogant, on an impulse
Vast and boundless earth, but I can’t grow a dream
I can only see the countless hungry children and hopeless tenant farmers


Ah, who is waiting for a hero
Ah, with my revolver I take aim at the heartless sky


Who’s willing to come with me, to create a legend together
Do you still dream?  Are you still crazy?
Do you still have the old romanticism?

Who’s willing to come with me, to create a legend together
Even if someone can eliminate me
They still cannot seize our freedom to dream

[Verse 2]

In a thousand years, a rainbow hasn’t appeared in the Indies’ skies
Unemployed, old people are playing the banjo
Who is sleeping in the streets, and who lives in a royal palace
The diary is full of dreams, I decide to use this life to recite them


Ah, who cares to shout for freedom
Ah, I use my life to challenge the predestined universe


Explanation: I don't know any of you heard of the book called 'Motorcycle Diary'. I have never really heard of this person (Che Guevara) whom Ashin was discribing in this song... But then again, this song mainly tells about a person who is willing to make a difference in all the unfairness in the world. To live up a dream to change all the things which they were forced to accept.

It's a really great song for those who felt alone because the people around them did not support them. This song sent out a message for us to never give up on our freedom and dreams. And to stand up for ourselves becuase we are the only one who can be there for ourselves. ^^


Try this song which ashin composed for a movie! Especially for those who feel very pissed off with the world at this moment!


It's called 盛夏光年 Eternal Summer


My proud brokenness, my painful ordinariness, finally I recall those are what I love the most
Let the midsummer’s greedy fun take the cruel future and push it out beyond eternity, so right now

Abandon the rules, give up and go love, unleash myself, open up my future
I won’t turn back, I won’t turn back, I won’t turn back, I won’t turn back

Let the rules be simpler, let order be more chaotic, this kind of youth is the kind I like
Let the midsummer’s greedy fun take the cruel future and push it out beyond eternity, so right now

Abandon the rules, give up and go love, unleash myself, open up my future
I won’t turn back, I won’t turn back, I won’t turn back, I won’t turn back

I want me to be crazy, I want me to love, I want me to be crazy, I want me to love, right now
Ten thousand mp3s, ten thousand crazy loves, can’t extinguish even a slight loneliness

I want me to be crazy, I want me to love, I want me to be crazy, I want me to love, right now
Midsummer’s revelry, on to beyond eternity, is it true that growing up is an agony people must endure

Abandon the rules, give up and go love, unleash myself, open up my future
I won’t turn back, I won’t turn back, I won’t turn back, I won’t turn back


Explanation: This is a really fantastic song. Because it writes about a teenager who is always being forced to obey rules and losing his own true self because of the restrictions in life. It has a bit of anger in it because as we all know, youth days always have a bit of rebellion in it. Especially the chorus, ashin always repeated 'I won't turn back'. It showed that he would not turn himself just because other people tell him to. He will always walk straight down the road without any regret. 


Honestly, this band had alot of great songs. Their album 'People life ocean wide' was also one of their best works. It depicts alot of wild emotions which teenagers will feel in this world. I guess it is because Mayday had that album when they were really young. LOL. Like at least a decade ago? ><


If you want to know more about their wonderful lyrics: visit this translated site -


Most of their songs are worth listening to. Especially when you met difficulties in life and need someone to give you the strength to go on again. Their music is JJANG!


Please give me feedbacks on how you think it sounds!! Tell me which song did you like best from them? ^^


Although it's not kpop, but I guess it doesn't harm trying new genre, right?


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the one band in cpop that i will never let go! can't compare them with kpop~ the god!! 神样的存在!:D