I Give Up

I give up.

I'm back to my old self.

My old, suffering, broken, scattered, lost, self.









I thought I lost you.

I thought I was alright.

Really, for a few days, I did.

Just what is happening to me?

Why do I keep hurting myself?

How long will this last?

Why does hope never last?


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What happen? >< wanna pm me bout it?
Stop thinking like that, I know how it feels Unnie, but, don't just give up on yourself so easily.
I'm experiencing some problems in my friendship too, her words hurt me, but I encourage myself, saying that I'll not give up, I'll just give her some space, so she can cool down.
Unnie, don't revert to your old ways, you might fall into depression...
Also, I don't think what I'm going through now is the same as Unnie, but Unnie,don't give up!!
Work hard, towards whatever you want to give up on.
Try your best, and leave the rest to God.
Some people find happiness while others create it.
Unnie, let's be the creators of happiness, ne?? ;D
Unnie hwaiting!!! :)
what's wrong???