Application for Melodia by mushroomforyourwish~!

AFF Username: Love Jitters

Name:  Hwan Sunri

Stage Name:  Does she need one? Sunri sounds good on it's own to me~

Fanclub: T-Rex's

Birthdate and Age: August 4th, 1993. 17.

Blood Type: B

Family Background: She grew up in a very free household. Her parents are artists, and were therefore pretty willing to allow Sunri to be as creative as she pleased. She has a younger brother, whom she loves to take care of.

Personality: Just plain goofy. She breaks out into random dance sometimes, makes silly jokes, and will laugh at just about anything. She loves to laugh. She has spent most of her younger years being the "sweet" one, and so lately she's been trying to say yes to more daring things in her life (not just love related things, but in general. Trying new foods, actually mustering up the courage to audition for SM, etc.) and take more chances to try and shake the bland images she has of herself.

Despite the fact that Sunri is just as intelligent as anyone else, she does not always project it well. She has the tendency to bust our random non-sequitors, and say things that just aren't always relevant. She doesn't always realize her tone of voice can sound angry. This leads to her becoming very stern when asking someone to do something, because she understands they may not take her seriously otherwise. (And sometimes they still don't!)


(Are these right? I've never done this before, so sorry if I picked the wrong sort of photo. D: )


Hobbies/Habits: Loves learning about make-up, hair styles and colors, and fashion. She makes jewelry on occassion. She likes to paint, watch romantic movies, play at the park, and try new things. She is very awkward around guys, and will often say the wrong thing around them. It's very hard for her to hide her emotions. When bored she'll start making dinosaur noises and act like a Tyranosaurus Rex.

Likes and Dislikes: Likes: Dinosaurs, kids, strawberry milk, pink, lemon-flavored chapstick, colorful clothing, singing in the shower, romantic movies and dramas, dying her hair, and doing people's make-up. Dislikes: When people act like she's dumb, bananas, parents who are distant to their children, sleazy guys, leopard print, facial hair.

Style: Colorful and very layered. Feminine.

Position: Main Dancer/Sub Rapper

Persona: Appa

Super Junior Pairing: Henry! :D


Sorry if this was too much or something~! >.O I don't know, I got really into the idea of making a character after a bit, haha.


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mushroomforyourwish #2
WOOP!! Yeah Henry!!! XD FINALLY!! I was waiting for someone to apply for him~ ^^