The Fashionista || Lee Kaeri

I personally like my this character the most ./bricked.


Personal info
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username: KissesMissed
profile link: (hyperlink, please.)
Real name: Eve


Basic information
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Name: Lee Kaeri
Birthday: 94/05/10
Birthplace: Seoul, Korea
Blood type: A

- - - - - - - - - - - -
height: 160
weight: 42
ulzzang/model name: Do Hwe ji
ulzzang/model pictures: Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3
backup ulzzang/model name: Lee Geum Hee
backup ulzzang/model pictures: Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3

Kaeri is extremely particular about what she wear. E.g how the colour fits, whether it fits her mood, shows her curves whether it makes her look fat. Regardless at any time of the day, even with the simplest clothing such as a t-shirt and shorts, she can pull off the chic sassy stylish look effortlessly. Of course, who bothers about normal clothes when you can get whatever you want that is branded? Style 1, Style 2, style 3, Style 4, Style 5, Style 6, Style 7, Style 8

anything else: (secret tattoos, birthmarks, etc.?)

About me

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Kaeri is the epitome of perfection. Stylish with all the newest clothes, Natural beauty since birth, no worries about money and endless boys for her to pick and choose from as her date, she is probably the one every girl dream of being.

She had been loved, fawned over, wanted as a friend since young; the girl that everyone just had to be friends with, the girl whom the party never starts without. She knows the influence she has on others, and she isn’t afraid to flaunt it; whether it is in a bad way of using her wealth to crush a certain girl she dislike, get what she want as the cover girl of a magazine, ruining the life of others or in a good way of splurging on her friends, lavishing them with the newest IN stuff, newest limited bag or clothes.

Often seen smiling one moment and sulking another moment, this girl’s emotions is always on a roller coaster ride.  She’s easy to be cheered up, with a praise of her or a mention of shopping; her face would light up with smiles. However as easy as it is to cheer her up, it is also easy for her to get into a sulky mood; whether it is the fact that another girl appeared on the front page of their school magazine of not getting her hands on the limited edition purse she want, of course, she will definitely get what she wants the next moment, because who can stand her whining.

Her great fashion sense and her beauty are undeniable. Once or twice, people even said that she looks prettier than the alpha when all of them dressed up together. That being said, the alpha had indeed at first felt threatened by her because of her wealth and beauty, but of course, Kaeri never had big ambitions in her life; she is more than content to just be around her friends, spending her money, enjoying life rather than to be careful with her words, worrying about betrayals all the time and having to look out for everyone. She’s lazy, you see, with the fact that she get everything with a snap of her finger and never having to work to get anything.

Some might call her naive, with her head up in the clouds. It is obvious that the people up to her, listen to her every whims and commands, bearing with her conceited attitude and endless praise for herself all only for the sake of getting the freebies. She knows it, she know it all too well, but her fear of being left alone, made her ignore all the facts and push it to the back of her head.

That being said, her conceited attitude is indeed hard to bear, unless you’re those who do not take insults to heart. Never a day will pass without her making someone cry out in public from Kaeri’s stripping down of his/her dignity by either stating out how he/she is a fashion disaster and making embarrassing that person in front of everyone for bad fashion taste or making the poorer kids in school do something to embarrass themselves for the sake of her entertainment, which she will pay them.

Of course, she will never get punished, because the school love the cold hard cash that her dad gives to the school every month; hence the exemptions from all punishments.

Being seen as the y, conceited girl that do not care about others feelings however, she shows a different side of herself to the sisters completely.

Despite being the non-politic, relationship ties playing one in the group, she is observant. Yes, she with her sharp eyes is more than expert in picking up a person’s mood, be it sad or happy. But, she is definitely not someone who is good at cheering her friends up. Whenever one of the sisters is sad, she would do silly things or make silly jokes and actions herself just to cheer them up. Sometimes the sisters would joke that if the rest ever see that side of her, they would never believe that she was the fashionable, money throwing, proud girl that everyone know to be.

She is also the dependent one in the group. Often seen whining like a little girl to her sisters, either to the alpha to let the group go on another club outing so she can have ‘fun’ or to the brain of the group to let her help with a makeover, she is probably the little sister of everyone.

She is also a very untidy girl. If you ever chance upon her room, you would probably scream oh god from the mess you see in front of your eyes. That is probably her way of living; if she was ever nagged, she would just smile sweetly that immediately make you unable to be mad at her but just laugh.

One might never believe, but she is a stubborn perfectionist, not only in her fashion, beauty sense and what not, but in her studies too. She is often seen to be sleeping in class, probably due to a late night out clubbing again or shopping or she would not hand in her homework at all or never turn up in school. What’s surprising though is the fact that she almost always aces her exams and test. Rumours have it that the school faked the result because of the money she donated or the brain of the group helped her cheat, but no; only the sisters know the truth. Every time when the exam and tests are near, she would kept herself home or out with the girls, studying hard, not playing around, finishing all the late homework, assessments and revisions. One might thought that she would brag about her abilities to study hard and do well, but no, she prefer to keep it to herself and her friends, maybe because she thought the idea of her being a nerd who make the others look down on her and maybe even thought they can stand up to her atrocious ways from then on.

The scar left from being played by guys for her money had left a scar in her heart, causing her to find it hard to trust anyone anymore. Another reason why she trust her sisters so much, pouring her hearts out to them, was probably because they had stood by her all this time. From her experiences, she believes first impression describe a person to a T.

Despite being mean to several people, she can be good to some too. Secretly unknown to the sisters and because she is the rich one everyone wants to be around, she gets gossips easily. When gossips reach her ears, she would find out and make a mental note of who is good and who is bad around the school. When the people she deemed as good is hurt, or bullied by her sisters, she would step in, either pretending to throw money at the person and asking the person to scram immediately or going behind the back, using connections to find ways to comfort the poor soul. She never let anyone know about her good deeds, hell no, that would put a bad mark on her reputation in the school.  


Since young, everyone had said she was perfect, she was lucky. She believed in them, hence her stubbornness with perfection in regardless what she do is born. Many times, however, despite her perfection, she had problem believing she was worth to be loved. When she first finally dated when she was 13, she thought, she really was worth to be loved. However bad the guy might treat her, asking her for money only, she believed, only to find him having another girl in his arms another day. She didn’t give up, however, and went on to find another boyfriend. The next few lasted awhile, all of them merely asked her for a cheque of certain amount, claiming they were going to give her a great date with the money but ended up uncontactable the next day. One of them lasted for a year, till when her dad’s company met with a crisis and possibility of bankruptcy were let out to the public. The guy had immediately broken up with her, telling her directly that she without her money, is nothing. The crisis was of course dealt with well with her help, and she became back the princess. The guy had come back, begging for forgiveness, but no, she could not believe him again.  

-       New clothes

-       Seeing people smile after her failed attempts at cheer ups

-       When her dad is at home

-       Playing the piano

-       When she is praised

-       Photography

-       Apple juice.

-       Food, except vegetables(Green and purple types)

-       Chocolates

-       Skin ship

-       Going shopping


-       Creepy crawlies, she hate them all

-       Being alone

-       Tight spaces

-       Clowns, she have a fear of them

-       When people dress poorly, she can’t help but give them fashion tips

-       Failing

-       Not being able to say what she wants


-       Playing the piano, she learnt it since young

-       Going shopping

-       Relaxing in her sauna or going for a swim

-       Cycling

-       Designing fashion clothes


-       Pouting unknowingly when she is deep in thoughts

-       Biting her lips when she is nervous

-       Drawing circles on the table when she is bored or thinking about something

-       Stuttering when she is lying.

-       Sighing when she is bothered.

-       Clucking her tongue away and narrowing her eyes into slits whenever she see a fashion disaster.

-       Snaps at people when she is busy studying

-       Keeping to herself, seemingly introvert when she fails a certain task


-       Her dad is hardly home, so when he is home, she will run to his arms almost immediately, ditching whatever she was doing at the moment.

-       She is good at hiding up her feelings when she want, passing it off with her trademark childish laugh or a smile and then blabbering away about fashion, letting people think she is alright.

-       Her favourite colour is baby blue.
does your character cuss?: Yes

     how often or when: when she don’t get what she want

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Lee Kyunghee || 50 || The CEO of hotel companies, resorts, phonelines company and even in the farming industry.
siblings: -
cousins: -

nerd: (the cute nerd who wants to open up your heart. not literally though. underline your first choice & bold your second.)
B2ST/Beast - Doojoon | Hyunseung | Junhyung | Yoseob | Gikwang | Dongwoon
B.A.P - Yongguk | Himchan | Daehyun | Youngjae | Jongup | Junhong
Block B - Taeil | Minhyuk | Jaehyo | Yukwon | Kyung | Jiho | Jihoon
Boyfriend - Donghyun | Hyunseong | Jeongmin | Youngmin | Kwangmin | Minwoo
Infinite - Sunggyu | Dongwoo | Woohyun | Hoya | Sungyeol | Myungsoo | Sungjong
Led Apple - Youngjun | Hanbyul | Gunwoo | Hyoseok | Kwangyeon | Kyumin
SHINee - Jinki | Jonghyun | Kibum | Minho | Taemin
Teen Top - Minsoo | Chanhee | Byunghun | Daniel | Changhyun | Jonghyun

Taemin: He is the school heartthrob sweetheart, clever, witty, handsome, and talented. Almost every girl is drawn to him. However, he remained a mystery to many except his close friends. He is a very optimistic and helpful guy and is born to a poor family. He, like the brain of the group, got into the school only because he has scholarship and nothing more. He is also very brave and can come off as fierce when he wants to.


Sungyeol: The other little kid in the school. He, like Kaeri, both is reliant on others. However, he is more than glad to be independent and rid of his mom’s nagging. His family cannot be said to be rich, neither poor; somewhere in the middle. He is often smiling and is good natured, helping out at home and at the same time, working part times outside for his own allowance.


Taemin: Being the girl that does not want to get her heart broken again, she did not really notice who is cute and who isn’t. The end year exam was coming and the brain of the group for some odd reason started to be busy and was unable to teach her for that year. That was when she started listening around for who might be the best tutor and heard about Taemin. Thinking that he would not teach her unless she have some dirt on him, she threatened to reveal his poor parentage if he did not teach him. Taemin however laughed it off and said he would help her if she just asks. ‘All you have to do was ask.’ Kaeri was surprised at first and could not believe him, however the news of his poor parentage soon got leaked out. She did not do it, she did not, and she was even more surprised when he told her, it was him who leaked it out. She then ask him formally to help her, and that was how their friendship start.


Sungyeol: The other little kid in school, both of them never once heard about each other. However, when the end year exams are near, the both of them approached the same teacher for help. Getting into a mini heated argument when they both want the teacher to help them only, they made a deal. The teacher is to teach the both of different topics on different days and then they would help each other out by teaching each other what they don’t know. That was how their friendship starts.


Taemin : July 18, 1993

Sungyeol: August 27, 1993

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other: (anything i missed?)
suggestions: A scene of her bringing the whole group shopping, acting silly when one of her members is upset or nagging at the brain of the group. With the guy, it could be her being all brat like yet he put up with her or get into a heated argument with her.


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