
Last year, I had really good friends. Two friends to be exact (M and K). These friends and I stuck together through everything. The only mistake we made was that we based off our entire friendship on one band. Later that year, M and K separated from our little group leaving me by myself while the two had fun without me. I was lonely. I had just been ditched by my "best friends". I turned to k-pop.

Listening to this new music (new to me), I found a new and better life. I drifted away from my other author website called Mibba where I was practically famous for my band guy fanfics with over 110 subscribers and over 400 readers. Now, I reside here, barely reaching 30 subscribers. I gave up a good life for a more simple one.

Earlier today M texted me. We've been texting all afternoon, and it's making me miss the life I had last year. Although K and I had a bit of a falling out. She'd go around saying that we only grew apart because of k-pop which is completely false. And she'd tell people that I was a loser for listening to music that I couldn't even understand. I couldn't believe she'd say that because she and I have been through so much together and most of what we went through was defense against people who criticized us because of the music we listen to.

I'm so different now.


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