Application for DELIVERY GIRLS

Username: BRee_22
Profile Link: BRee_22 -
Character's Name: Skylar Lee/Lee Jin Hae
Name of ulzzang:Lee Da Som

Personality: She is very down to earth,caring,lovable and understanding daughter/Dongsaeng.She is very hard working and she always wants her family to be proud of her.Her personality can warm up everyones hearts.She doesnt really like to boast thats why she hates those kind of people.But when you get on her bad side you should run!!!Even though she has a sweet personality she doesnt like people to look down on her or thinks highly on themswelves.Thats why when she has a bad temper she always brings her sketchpad & ipod to let her anger cool off.When she was little she would always want to be like her father a well known music producer.But there is a part of her personality that her parents doesnt know.......she is a wild party girl at night^^She really loves her coke.Sky is a very cheeky and straight forward person.She can be annoying at times but she's really a happy go lucky girl.She is very kind and friendly.She is always there if you need help.She can give really good advice and she is a good listener.She can be like one of the boys because she is the only girl out of three siblings.She is also vey talented.She can be really sweet towards her family and friends.You can easily get close to her.And she really hates it if people touches her coke.She has a collection of caps and high tops but mostly books because she loves to read.She is like a bookworm she always reads books at her free time.She really likes to write song and produce music.She gets her inspiration in writing songs by her past relationships or what she see's.When she always pass by a beautiful scenery she will always get her sketch book and she will then draw that scenery.She also loves photography when she was little she always wishes to be like her mother. 

Background:She is the daughter of Lee Soo Man and she also has 2 brothers and their names are Aiden(16) and Arden(14) and both younger than her.Her mother died when she was 13 while her brothers were 9 and 7.She was born in Seoul,South Korea.She doesn't like being called by her korean name.Her mother was half japanese and half french while her father was pure korean.And then when she turned 4 she and her mother moved to france because of her work while her father visited them when he is not busy.Then when she turned 9 she moved to Japan and lived with her aunt to pursue studying there while her mother came back to korea with her 2 younger brothers.When she turned 11 she came back to korea because of her mothers sickness.Then when she turned 14 she came back to france to pursue a modelling career with her younger brother Aiden.But when she turned 18 her father Lee Soo Man forced her into an arrange marriage that she didn't want back in france so she ran away and came back to korea alone with no one knowing.And now her brother Aiden came back to find you with the help of your other brother Arden and your father who now regrets for forcing you to an arranged marriage.While Skylar is keeping a low profile and is now using her korean name Jin Hae even though she doesn't like it.

Birthday:August 18


~ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!
~cute stuff
~hello kitty
~writing songs
~producing music


~horror movies
~two faced
~naggy people
~people who touches her coke

~she doesn't like it when guys keeps staring at her for a long time because it gives her the creeps


~writing songs
~producing music
~playing sports
~going to the gym

Habits:~ her lips when she is concentrated on doing something
~stutters or blushes when she is near someone she likes
~likes to smirk when she is performing
~bites her lip when scared or nervous

Anything else?:


~she has 7 piercings(3 on each ear,one on the bellybutton)
~ she has 5 tattoos(one on each wrist,one on the nape, one on each side behind the ear like rihanna's)
~she has abs but doesnt like to show it even though her brothers or her stylist likes her to wear crop tops or some tops that stops right below the chest
~likes to go to the gym with her brothers
~she is a model like her mother and younger brother in france
~can play 6 different kinds of instruments (guitar,drums,flute,violin,piano,electric guitar)
~can speak 9 different languages(English,Mandarin,Korean,
~likes to be alone when she is writing or making some beats for a song
~she always has a sketchpad wherever she goes because she likes to draw
and also hope you like my character^^
and good luck with the fic^^


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ohhh really well thanks^^
i really want//like//love girls like her!!
so punkish, love her!
i like it! :D