Cherry Red Ford Mustang currently out of commission

Kay so last night was a longgggg night. Stayed up till 4am helping Ella with her ASL project. When we finished we fell asleep and I slept for four hours. I get up, go to class, come home, study, go back out to attend my afternoon class, picked up gas on the way home, and as I'm driving through my residential area, this freaking lady peels out into the road, and all I see is blue (her car was blue). I slam on my breaks, but I knew I wouldn't have time to avoid this. I knew it, and sure enough my front left side of my car is hit. (driver's side) 

I'm screaming every profanity in the dictionary as I pull over and all I can think of is, 'omg I still have to pay the monthly payments for this car even if it's totaled' 

Thankfully my car isn't totaled, but it's damaged pretty badly either way (but fixable). So this random guy driving behind me pulls over and is like "Are you okay?" and I'm like...."I think so," and upon finding that I'm fine, he leaves. (And I'm like "kay dood....thanks?" =/ ) So anyway, I go to get out of the car, BUT APPARENTLY  I HIT THE CAR IN FRONT OF ME SO HARD THAT MY DOOR ISN'T BUDGING and I'm like "OMFG" -insert hyperventilation- 

And like I see the lady who I hit walking over to me and she's all like "Ma'am? Ma'am, why did you hit me?" And internally I'm like shocked at how freaking convinced she is that she suddenly thinks it's MY FAULT that I was driving on the main road, minding my own business, AND THAT IT WAS HER THAT PEELED OUT INTO THE ROAD AND OBVIOUSLY DID NOT LOOK BOTH WAYS  FOR ONCOMING TRAFFIC FROM AROUND THE BEND.


But you know, I'm a classy gal, and classy gals don't freak out. Hahah. So I politely said "Ma'am, I had the right of way. There was no stop sign for me. There was for you."

Well apparently this lady doesn't speak english all that well, and is all like "Let me call my husband." And so like I'm freaking out because I've never been in accident and I just happen to not have my cell phone on me and here she is calling her freaking husband. What the hell do I do? So after she calls her husband I politely ask her "May I borrow your cell?" 

Thankgod this lady was nice, because I was able to get a hold of my dad, and he was like "whatever you do, don't handle this on your own, and call the cops and file a report."

Well I tell the lady about calling the cops, and like all of a sudden this other woman shows up. She happens to be the friend or whatever and she's the one that ends up calling the police and so on. And then the lady's husband shows up, so I'm like kinda pissed because I feel like she has all this backup from her husband and friend, and I have no one because both my parents were working and I didn't want to get friends involved, because honestly I don't think they would have known what to do anyway.

So anyway, police man shows up, looks at the cars and then asks what happens. All of a sudden the lady I hit is like "can I tell the story?" and the officer is just like, "yea sure."

So she was like "I came to the stop sign, looked both ways, saw no one coming, and when I drove across she hit me. And then I got out and asked why she hit me."

So a part of me is slightly fuming only because I don't think she stopped at all. Or at least, didn't stop long enough to be fully aware of her surroundings.

But whatever, it doesn't matter what she says because fact of the matter is I had the right of way and that's alllllll that mattered. So then he looked at the damage, and then goes to his car to write stuff out. AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THIS GUY COMES OVER AND HE JUST HAPPENS TO BE THE HUSBAND OF THE FRIEND. So now I feel kinda threatened because again, I'm all by myself, and this lady has three people there trying to get down the story and what happened. 

Finally the friend and her husband leave, so it's just the lady I hit and her husband there. And basically the cop comes back over and he gives us a form where he filled out all the information that we would need about the other. Liscence, Name, Insurance, etc. 

And then he looks to the couples and states "As far as the accident goes, this road that this young lady was on is the main road. She had the right of way and in this situation, you ma'am were at fault." 

AND OMG I BREATHED THE LONGEST SIGH OF RELIEF (Again--internally, because I wasn't going to do it in the couple's faces--not classy) But I was afraid of getting screwed over you know? Even though I knew for a FACT I wasn't at fault.

And just when I think it's all over...the husband goes "Can I ask a question? She hit my wife so how does that become our fault." and I'm like....WTF!???!??!

And the cop was like "Sir, if your wife had reached the median, and then this young lady had hit her, THEN it would have been this young lady's fault, because that would have meant she would have careened to the side onto your wife's area and hit her. But that's not the case as there is no evidence of debris in a certain spot." and the officer pointed to that spot to which the husband was like

"But there was debris there."

And omg, I was so close to being like "You gotta be ing kidding me right now sir...." but I kept myself together.

And the officer was like "Well sir, there's no debris there now, so I don't know what to tell you." mind you he said this in a very sarcastic manner,and I was glad because throughout this whole thing I was nice, polite and when the time came I didn't have to be rude and defend myself because the officer did so. 

Anyways, long day--so tired and wow this is a long post. Kudos to those who read it and find my boring life interesting haha. xD


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